Someone Has to Sort Your Recycling and It’s a Disgusting and Dangerous Job Someone Has to Sort Your Recycling and It’s a Disgusting and Dangerous Job
When the green hype overpowers industrial safety, workers pay the price.
Jun 24, 2015 / Michelle Chen
The Department of Education’s Debt-Forgiveness Plan Does Not Go Far Enough The Department of Education’s Debt-Forgiveness Plan Does Not Go Far Enough
The Corinthian strikers are asking for debt justice, not forgiveness.
Jun 10, 2015 / Michelle Chen
Why a Democratic Insurgency Is ‘Whupping’ Obama on Trade Why a Democratic Insurgency Is ‘Whupping’ Obama on Trade
His progressive critics have been studying trade deals for two decades—and they know what they’re talking about.
May 27, 2015 / John Nichols
Gabby Giffords Returns to Capitol Hill to Push Background Checks Gabby Giffords Returns to Capitol Hill to Push Background Checks
The gun-control debate may have receded from memory, but advocates are still pushing Congress to take action.
Mar 4, 2015 / George Zornick
People Power Is Winning Net Neutrality People Power Is Winning Net Neutrality
As the FCC prepares to defend a free and open Internet, it’s vital to keep the pressure on.
Feb 3, 2015 / John Nichols
The City That Outlawed Free Food The City That Outlawed Free Food
Activists in Fort Lauderdale have just filed a lawsuit alleging that the city’s ban on providing food to the homeless violates the First Amendment.
Feb 2, 2015 / Michelle Chen
New Maryland Governor Opens an Assault on Environmental and LGBT Protections New Maryland Governor Opens an Assault on Environmental and LGBT Protections
Despite his moderate image during the campaign, Larry Hogan has transformed into a hardline conservative almost overnight.
Jan 23, 2015 / George Zornick
Are Fracking Workers Being Poisoned on the Job? Are Fracking Workers Being Poisoned on the Job?
A new study suggests air pollution near fracking sites may be worse than previously estimated—putting workers and local residents at increased risk of cancer, birth defects and oth...
Nov 10, 2014 / Michelle Chen
Minimum-Wage Workers Just Got a Raise, but Will Bosses Steal It? Minimum-Wage Workers Just Got a Raise, but Will Bosses Steal It?
This year’s midterms raised the minimum wage in four states and two cities across the country—now it’s time to make sure those wages get paid.
Nov 7, 2014 / Michelle Chen
Do You Realize How Dangerous It Is to Drive a Taxi? Do You Realize How Dangerous It Is to Drive a Taxi?
Taxi and livery drivers suffer homicide rates twenty to thirty times higher than other occupations.
Oct 24, 2014 / Michelle Chen