Washington Has a New Plan to Tackle Domestic Terrorism and It Probably Won’t Work Washington Has a New Plan to Tackle Domestic Terrorism and It Probably Won’t Work
But enacting gun control laws and investing in support services for America’s children might.
Aug 3, 2015 / Karen J. Greenberg

Bobby Jindal, Does Louisiana ‘Love Us Some Guns’ Now? Bobby Jindal, Does Louisiana ‘Love Us Some Guns’ Now?
The Louisiana Governor and GOP presidential candidate bears much responsibility for the fact that his state has some of the laxest gun laws in the US—and leads the country in gun d...
Jul 24, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

Why the Black Church Forgives Dylann Roof Why the Black Church Forgives Dylann Roof
And how President Obama’s Charleston eulogy used the theology of black liberation to call the country to account for racism.
Jul 2, 2015 / Kelly Brown Douglas

Trying to Forgive the Black Church Trying to Forgive the Black Church
Dylann Roof can’t have my mercy, but I can try to make peace with black Christianity.
Jul 2, 2015 / Jamilah Lemieux

The Greatest Threats to American National Security Are Guns and the Police The Greatest Threats to American National Security Are Guns and the Police
When toddler killings outpace terror killings in the United States, the biggest problem is not jihad.
Jun 23, 2015 / Tom Engelhardt

The Reconstruction-Era Violence Lurking in the Southern Air The Reconstruction-Era Violence Lurking in the Southern Air
An editorial in The Nation’s first issue, 150 years ago, shows the long history leading to yesterday’s attack in Charleston, South Carolina.
Jun 19, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Charleston’s ‘Mother Emanuel Church’ Has Stared Down Racist Violence for 200 Years Charleston’s ‘Mother Emanuel Church’ Has Stared Down Racist Violence for 200 Years
Bullets will not end a church whose history speaks to its heroic resilience.
Jun 18, 2015 / Dave Zirin

The Charleston Massacre and the Cunning of White Supremacy The Charleston Massacre and the Cunning of White Supremacy
He didn’t just target Denmark Vesey’s church—it was the anniversary of Vesey’s suppressed uprising.
Jun 18, 2015 / Greg Grandin

A Civil-Rights Champion Was Lost in the Attack on Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church A Civil-Rights Champion Was Lost in the Attack on Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church
The church has been linked for centuries to struggles against slavery and segregation and for economic and social justice.
Jun 18, 2015 / John Nichols

The Most Common Type of American Terrorist Is a White Man With a Weapon and a Grudge The Most Common Type of American Terrorist Is a White Man With a Weapon and a Grudge
We don't yet know what drove killer Craig Stephen Hicks, but American Muslims are more often victims of ideological violence than perpetrators of it.
Feb 11, 2015 / Michelle Goldberg