
Why It Took Republican Leaders 16 Months to Denounce Trump

Why It Took Republican Leaders 16 Months to Denounce Trump Why It Took Republican Leaders 16 Months to Denounce Trump

When it comes to minorities, immigrants, and women—the party still has a major empathy gap.

Oct 12, 2016 / Between the Lines / Laila Lalami

Donald Trump Panama City

The Sexual Predator Who Would Be King The Sexual Predator Who Would Be King

Trump seeks to impose on America a strongman politics that even Republicans note—and fear.

Oct 12, 2016 / Editorial / John Nichols

Should Democrats Try To Win Over Trump’s Supporters, or Just Move On?

Should Democrats Try To Win Over Trump’s Supporters, or Just Move On? Should Democrats Try To Win Over Trump’s Supporters, or Just Move On?

A profoundly important debate is dividing the left.

Oct 11, 2016 / That’s Debatable / Steve Phillips, Paul Starr, Arlie Hochschild, William Greider, Rick Perlstein, and Ian Haney López

Mike Pence Indiana

The Latest Anti-Abortion Trend? Mandatory Funerals for Fetuses The Latest Anti-Abortion Trend? Mandatory Funerals for Fetuses

Now that the Supreme Court has thrown out TRAP laws, opponents have a new tactic.

Oct 11, 2016 / Rebecca Grant

Dump Trump

The First Republicans to Break With Trump Over His Groping Tape Were Mormons The First Republicans to Break With Trump Over His Groping Tape Were Mormons

Does this give Clinton a chance in Utah?

Oct 10, 2016 / Jon Wiener

Second debate Trump Clinton

The Second Presidential Debate: Gutter-Ball Edition The Second Presidential Debate: Gutter-Ball Edition

Four takeaways from whatever it was we watched last night.

Oct 10, 2016 / Robert L. Borosage

Why This Time It’s Different

Why This Time It’s Different Why This Time It’s Different

Yes, Trump has said lots of disgusting, stupid, or hateful things before and gotten away with it—but now he’s going down.

Oct 8, 2016 / Mark Hertsgaard

Republicans laugh

The Republican Party Created This Monster The Republican Party Created This Monster

Now it’s time for them to do what they should have done months ago—reject Donald Trump.

Oct 8, 2016 / John Nichols

Rick Scott speaking

Rick Scott Refuses to Extend the Voter-Registration Deadline Despite a Life-Threatening Hurricane Rick Scott Refuses to Extend the Voter-Registration Deadline Despite a Life-Threatening Hurricane

Once again, Florida Governor Rick Scott is playing games with voting rights and elections.

Oct 7, 2016 / John Nichols

Rebels in Aleppo.

Slouching Toward War With Russia in Syria? Slouching Toward War With Russia in Syria?

The proposed Obama-Putin cooperation was killed by its enemies in Washington, with dire implications.

Oct 6, 2016 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen
