That’s Debatable

trump post ahca

To Impeach or Not to Impeach? And Is That Even the Question? To Impeach or Not to Impeach? And Is That Even the Question?

Four writers debate whether Trump's removal from office is a priority or a distraction.

May 31, 2017 / Doug Henwood, Steve Phillips, Christopher D. Cook, and Medea Benjamin

A People’s Globalism: Notes Toward a New Left Internationalism

A People’s Globalism: Notes Toward a New Left Internationalism A People’s Globalism: Notes Toward a New Left Internationalism

Three writers consider the major foreign-policy questions facing the left today.

Feb 16, 2017 / Michael Walzer, Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, and Jedediah Britton-Purdy

What Happens to a Feminist Dream Deferred?

What Happens to a Feminist Dream Deferred? What Happens to a Feminist Dream Deferred?

Three writers consider what the 2016 election reveals about the state of feminism today.

Jan 12, 2017 / Melissa Murray, Kathleen Geier, and Catherine Powell

Bernie BlackLivesMatter

What Is the Left Without Identity Politics? What Is the Left Without Identity Politics?

Four writers consider the question dividing the Democratic Party.

Dec 16, 2016 / Walter Benn Michaels, Charles W. Mills, Linda Hirshman, and Carla Murphy

Utah Protesters

‘All Resistance Is Local’: A Plan of Progressive Action for the Trump Years ‘All Resistance Is Local’: A Plan of Progressive Action for the Trump Years

Here’s how states and cities can lead the fight against the Trump administration—and build a new political order.

Nov 29, 2016 / Heather Gerken, David Bollier, Gary Gerstle, and Gar Alperovitz

Should Democrats Try To Win Over Trump’s Supporters, or Just Move On?

Should Democrats Try To Win Over Trump’s Supporters, or Just Move On? Should Democrats Try To Win Over Trump’s Supporters, or Just Move On?

A profoundly important debate is dividing the left.

Oct 11, 2016 / Steve Phillips, Paul Starr, Arlie Hochschild, William Greider, Rick Perlstein, and Ian Haney López

Can the Left Reclaim Nationalism?

Can the Left Reclaim Nationalism? Can the Left Reclaim Nationalism?

A leading proponent of globalist capitalism has recanted, advocating instead the development of “responsible nationalism.” Is that an oxymoron?

Aug 2, 2016 / Carne Ross, Sherle R. Schwenninger, Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, and Mark Blyth

Trump Wearing Make America Great Again Hat

Is Donald Trump Actually a Threat to Democracy? Is Donald Trump Actually a Threat to Democracy?

And what is to be done?

Jun 23, 2016 / Louis Michael Seidman, Ted Gup, and Elinor Langer

EU and UK Flags

Should We Stay or Should We Go? A Debate Over Brexit Should We Stay or Should We Go? A Debate Over Brexit

Four Brits let us know.

Jun 2, 2016 / Helen Lewis, Jon Cruddas, Harris Beider, and Tariq Ali


When Donald Trump Says His Foreign Policy Is ‘America First’—What Exactly Does He Mean? When Donald Trump Says His Foreign Policy Is ‘America First’—What Exactly Does He Mean?

Four experts consider how exactly Trump might go about making America great again.

May 24, 2016 / Sherle R. Schwenninger, Heather Hurlburt, Stephen Kinzer, and Juan Cole
