
The Case for Disengagement in the Middle East

The Case for Disengagement in the Middle East The Case for Disengagement in the Middle East

It is time to walk away and leave the region to its own bad behavior.

Mar 23, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Kai Bird

At a Jewish Voice For Peace Conference: This Is What Solidarity Looks Like

At a Jewish Voice For Peace Conference: This Is What Solidarity Looks Like At a Jewish Voice For Peace Conference: This Is What Solidarity Looks Like

When a Palestinian woman went to this Jewish group’s annual conference, she found a growing movement of Jews and other allies.

Mar 20, 2015 / Nadia Hijab

What It Feels Like to Be a ‘Demographic Threat’ to Israel

What It Feels Like to Be a ‘Demographic Threat’ to Israel What It Feels Like to Be a ‘Demographic Threat’ to Israel

Benjamin Netanyahu’s attack on Arab voters was not just an electioneering tactic. Such fear-mongering is rooted in the foundation of the Zionist project in Palestine.

Mar 20, 2015 / Yousef Munayyer

It’s Official: The Pentagon Finally Admitted That Israel Has Nuclear Weapons, Too

It’s Official: The Pentagon Finally Admitted That Israel Has Nuclear Weapons, Too It’s Official: The Pentagon Finally Admitted That Israel Has Nuclear Weapons, Too

After five decades of pretending otherwise, the Pentagon has reluctantly confirmed that Israel does indeed possess nuclear bombs, as well as awesome weapons technology similar to A...

Mar 20, 2015 / Blog / William Greider

What Netanyahu’s Victory Means for America

What Netanyahu’s Victory Means for America What Netanyahu’s Victory Means for America

Netanyahu won on the back of racism, making liberal support for Israel impossible. But Washington will likely persist.

Mar 18, 2015 / Blog / Ali Gharib

Anyone But Netanyahu?

Anyone But Netanyahu? Anyone But Netanyahu?

That’s the common rallying cry for Tuesday’s elections in Israel, but few opponents are offering real alternatives. Only the Joint List is directly addressing the crisis in Arab-Je...

Mar 16, 2015 / Mairav Zonszein

Gaza’s Labor Unrest Is Reaching a Boiling Point

Gaza’s Labor Unrest Is Reaching a Boiling Point Gaza’s Labor Unrest Is Reaching a Boiling Point

As the unity government wrangles over management of the devastated Gaza Strip, government workers are striking for their overdue wages.

Jan 20, 2015 / Blog / Michelle Chen

On ‘Lost Causes’ and the Future of Palestine

On ‘Lost Causes’ and the Future of Palestine On ‘Lost Causes’ and the Future of Palestine

The appearance of Palestinian defeat is an optical illusion—one that hides the probability of eventual Israeli defeat.

Dec 16, 2014 / Feature / Richard Falk

Déjà Vu in Jerusalem?

Déjà Vu in Jerusalem? Déjà Vu in Jerusalem?

In the latest round of violence, the Israeli government has been rebuked by its own security chief.

Nov 20, 2014 / Neve Gordon

An Israeli strike over Gaza City

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

Israel claims that it is merely exercising its right to self-defense and that Gaza is no longer occupied. Here’s what you need to know about these talking points and more.

Jul 25, 2014 / Noura Erakat
