Donald Trump

Trump Could Be the Most Hostile American President the UN Has Ever Faced

Trump Could Be the Most Hostile American President the UN Has Ever Faced Trump Could Be the Most Hostile American President the UN Has Ever Faced

Plus, there’s a Republican-led Congress itching to diminish the role of the organization and bankrupt many of its programs.

Jan 9, 2017 / Barbara Crossette

Donald Trump and Don King.

Athletes Shouldn’t Visit Trump’s White House Athletes Shouldn’t Visit Trump’s White House

To visit the Trump White House is to normalize a presidency that is anything but normal.

Jan 9, 2017 / Dave Zirin

Jeff Sessions Is Just Not in the Same League as Former Attorneys General

Jeff Sessions Is Just Not in the Same League as Former Attorneys General Jeff Sessions Is Just Not in the Same League as Former Attorneys General

From Herbert Brownell to Robert F. Kennedy to Loretta Lynch, attorneys general have upheld the law and fought for justice. Would Sessions?

Jan 9, 2017 / Nan Aron

Jeff Sessions

Declaration of Moral Action Against the Nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions Declaration of Moral Action Against the Nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions

A joint statement of interfaith clergy and moral leaders urges Congress not to confirm Sessions as attorney general of United States.

Jan 9, 2017 / Repairers of the Breach and Faith in Public Life

Jeff Sessions

Jeff Sessions Could Return Criminal Justice to the Jim Crow Era Jeff Sessions Could Return Criminal Justice to the Jim Crow Era

Sessions’s extreme views on crime and punishment are a throwback to the darkest chapters in American history.

Jan 9, 2017 / Ari Berman

Joe McCarthy and Roy Cohn

A Lesson on How to Survive Trumpism—From the McCarthy Era A Lesson on How to Survive Trumpism—From the McCarthy Era

Trump’s regime will not resurrect full-blown McCarthyism, but it may take lessons in political repression from it.

Jan 9, 2017 / Ellen Schrecker

Youth in the UN Climate Change talks in Marrakech respond to the election of Donald Trump as US President.

This Monday, Join Protests Across the Country to Block Trump’s Climate-Denying Cabinet Picks This Monday, Join Protests Across the Country to Block Trump’s Climate-Denying Cabinet Picks

For the Day Against Denial, people across the country will rally at their senators’ offices.

Jan 7, 2017 / no-paywall / NationAction

Maxine Waters

Courageous House Progressives Raise ‘Justice and Fairness’ Objections to Certifying Trump Courageous House Progressives Raise ‘Justice and Fairness’ Objections to Certifying Trump

Congressional Progressive Caucus members interrupt certification of electoral votes to raise concerns about voter suppression.

Jan 6, 2017 / John Nichols

Obamacare Signing

Republicans Can’t Just Pretend Obamacare Never Happened Republicans Can’t Just Pretend Obamacare Never Happened

It may be here to stay. 

Jan 6, 2017 / David Dayen


As Trump’s Inauguration Looms, the Window to Release Guantánamo Detainees Is Closing As Trump’s Inauguration Looms, the Window to Release Guantánamo Detainees Is Closing

Detainees cleared for release fear the Trump administration, which is all but certain to continue indefinite detention.

Jan 6, 2017 / John Knefel
