John Knefel


John Knefel is an independent journalist covering national security and civil liberties. He is also the co-host of Radio Dispatch, a daily political podcast.


The White-Hot Rage at This Year’s CPAC The White-Hot Rage at This Year’s CPAC

Anger, paranoia, and gun worship dominated the gathering of conservatives near DC.

Feb 23, 2018 / John Knefel

Richard Spencer outside CPAC

CPAC’s Hollow Disavowal of the White Nationalists in Its Midst CPAC’s Hollow Disavowal of the White Nationalists in Its Midst

Looking in the mirror would be much more productive.

Feb 24, 2017 / John Knefel


As Trump’s Inauguration Looms, the Window to Release Guantánamo Detainees Is Closing As Trump’s Inauguration Looms, the Window to Release Guantánamo Detainees Is Closing

Detainees cleared for release fear the Trump administration, which is all but certain to continue indefinite detention.

Jan 6, 2017 / John Knefel

Confronting the Resource Curse and Civil War in the Congo

Confronting the Resource Curse and Civil War in the Congo Confronting the Resource Curse and Civil War in the Congo

The depictions of Congolese humanity and pain in When Elephants Fight, a new documentary, make it necessary viewing for Westerners.

May 27, 2016 / John Knefel

Ahmed Ferhani

A Muslim Man Was Ensnared in a Terror Plot by the NYPD—He Just Attempted Suicide A Muslim Man Was Ensnared in a Terror Plot by the NYPD—He Just Attempted Suicide

Ahmed Ferhani reported abuse by prison guards after being convicted in a controversial terrorism case.

Apr 10, 2016 / John Knefel

The Trauma of Chemical Warfare Continues to Terrorize Syrians

The Trauma of Chemical Warfare Continues to Terrorize Syrians The Trauma of Chemical Warfare Continues to Terrorize Syrians

While the fragile Syrian cease-fire is holding, the horrors of the last five years aren’t easily forgotten.

Apr 1, 2016 / John Knefel

The US Promised Refuge to 10,000 Syrians—We’ve Let in 841

The US Promised Refuge to 10,000 Syrians—We’ve Let in 841 The US Promised Refuge to 10,000 Syrians—We’ve Let in 841

Nearly five years into the Syrian civil war, Obama’s refugee plan continues at a trickle.

Feb 22, 2016 / John Knefel

In 2015, You Can Still Get Arrested for Spitting if You’re HIV-Positive

In 2015, You Can Still Get Arrested for Spitting if You’re HIV-Positive In 2015, You Can Still Get Arrested for Spitting if You’re HIV-Positive

156,000 of the 1.2 million Americans living with HIV are undiagnosed—so why do we have outdated laws that encourage ignorance?

Dec 2, 2015 / John Knefel

Republican Governors Are Posturing on Refugees, but Their Xenophobia Has Real Consequences

Republican Governors Are Posturing on Refugees, but Their Xenophobia Has Real Consequences Republican Governors Are Posturing on Refugees, but Their Xenophobia Has Real Consequences

Anti-Muslim hate crimes are up, but that’s not all.

Nov 17, 2015 / John Knefel

How Climate Change Is Threatening Iraq’s Fragile Security

How Climate Change Is Threatening Iraq’s Fragile Security How Climate Change Is Threatening Iraq’s Fragile Security

A major drought in Syria helped lead to the revolution and Assad’s crackdown. Harsh weather in Iraq could prove just as destabilizing.

Oct 27, 2015 / John Knefel
