We’re Failing Our Test Run for the Age of CRISPR We’re Failing Our Test Run for the Age of CRISPR
We’re on the cusp of being able to genetically shape our offspring, but without accurately informing would-be parents, genetic diversity will become a code for poverty.
Aug 29, 2017 / David M. Perry

80 Percent of Patents Belong Solely to Men 80 Percent of Patents Belong Solely to Men
Female inventors are claiming only a tiny sliver of patents, reflecting a gender bias in technological and scientific invention.
Aug 12, 2016 / Michelle Chen

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Hurt Farmers and Make Seed Companies Richer The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Hurt Farmers and Make Seed Companies Richer
Here’s why experts say the trade deal is a “big win” for the biotech seed industry.
Jun 10, 2016 / Alex Press

What’s It Like Growing Old in the New Economy? What’s It Like Growing Old in the New Economy?
Danish architect Deane Simpson explores this vexing question in his book Young-Old: Urban Utopias of an Aging Society.
Oct 27, 2015 / Matthew Shen Goodman

July 5, 1996: Dolly the Sheep Is Born, the First Mammal Produced by Cloning July 5, 1996: Dolly the Sheep Is Born, the First Mammal Produced by Cloning
“Do we really want to manufacture animals on the assembly line and look on them not as live organisms but as relatively cheap factories that can yield profitable products?”
Jul 5, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Can GMOs Help Feed a Hot and Hungry World? Can GMOs Help Feed a Hot and Hungry World?
Not if activists succeed in making the genetic modification of food politically unsustainable.
Aug 13, 2014 / Feature / Madeline Ostrander

In the Next Round of Budget Talks, Big Cuts for Health Research Are Coming In the Next Round of Budget Talks, Big Cuts for Health Research Are Coming
One of the agencies hardest hit by Congress’s 2011 appropriations bill is likely to be the world’s largest investor in biomedical research, the National Institutes of H...
Apr 11, 2011 / Rachel Riederer
Retreat to Subsistence Retreat to Subsistence
Could the introduction of genetically modified genes into Mexico's landrace corns lead to their extinction?
Jun 16, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Peter Canby
ART in America ART in America
Two new books explore the possibilities and ethical complications of assisted reproductive technology.
Nov 8, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow

Hawaii Wakes Up To Pesticides Hawaii Wakes Up To Pesticides
The US Department of Agriculture plans to eradicate three species of fruit fly in Hawaii by spraying suspected carcinogens and mutagens on the islands.
Mar 2, 1985 / W.S. Merwin