Netroots Nation Day 2: Media Overplays Obama Angst

Netroots Nation Day 2: Media Overplays Obama Angst

Netroots Nation Day 2: Media Overplays Obama Angst

Contrary to much press coverage, liberals at the Netroots Nation convention are not Obama-obsessed.

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The White House dispatched Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer for a different kind of press conference on Friday in Minneapolis, where he tangled with a prominent writer known as Angry Mouse (Daily Kos’s Kaili Joy Gray). Hundreds of other writers were there, too, since Pfeiffer was headlining a conference for liberal bloggers.

The skepticism facing Pfeiffer is dominating coverage of this year’s Netroots Nation, along with broader stories recounting liberals’ “frustration” and disappointment with President Obama. But having attended this conference six years in a row (my life is the Internet), I think these stories miss the mark. They fit into a precooked narrative about “Progressives vs. Obama,” which is well-known, easy to write and, yes, partly true. Some of the most active and committed liberals in any area are going to have informed critiques of elected Democrats (from the White House on down). But that’s not what Netroots is about.

This conference is unusual because it was hatched online by activists, not any funded group with a formal agenda, and then evolved into a large and relevant draw for the upper echelons of the Democratic Party (Pelosi, Reid, Both Clintons, Gore, Dean). But it’s not focused on them. Obama felt the need to attend in person in 2007, when he was running for President, along with every other major candidate. But in the off years, when fewer candidates (and the reporters who trail them) drop in, the conference goes on, with three days of programming on policy, organizing, writing, publishing and politics. Most of the time and energy is devoted to wonky, detailed discussions—not presidential scheming or Obama-bashing.

For example, I’m writing this post from a session on government surveillance of American citizens, with two ACLU lawyers, policy blogger Marcy Wheeler, who made her name during the Libby trial, and Julian Sanchez, a libertarian writer. The ACLU is talking about S. 913, Sen. Rockefeller’s bill to create a one-stop ban on Internet tracking; Wheeler is detailing a new law enforcement program to use nail polish purchases in data mining to target potential terrorists. Along the way, they are noting which Democrats need to be pushed on civil libeties, flagging who is in town for the conference (Franken, Wasserman-Shultz). But the goal is to influence policy, with the elected officials as a tool. They’re not basking in a meta-political discussion of how “warm” people feel towards Obama, or whether they “have anywhere else to go.”

Still, like so many political activities, the press coverage here is doled out inversely. So these wonky panels are packed but undocumented, while the handful of sessions about the Obama’s relationship with the Left look like a Green Room. There were forty-two panels on the first day, for example, but the one titled “What to Do When the President is Just Not That Into You” kept showing up in articles about the conference. There were definitely more nationally themed fireworks at that talk, but I thought the session on local labor organizing in Wisconsin, for example, was more significant.

Then again, who cares, right? Bloggers talking about reporters talking about bloggers sounds pretty irrelevant. The media and political perception of The Base/The Left matters, however. Gatherings like this—with 2,400 people, this is one of the largest liberal conferences—are one of the few times when real people and in-person reporting could substitute for recycled narratives about Obama angst. Maybe that’s asking too much.

—— Update ——-
3:40 pm Friday —It’s striking to see that Netroots Nation is the top story on the political web on Friday afternoon, even topping Weiner coverage according to Memeorandum, a useful aggregator that ranks news articles. The top stories reflect the narrative above, with ABC News talking about progressives venting their frustration with Obama, and HuffPo reporting a “break-up” between liberals and the president. (That’s untrue, in the literal sense that most people here will still help and vote for Obama’s re-election.) Meanwhile, Balloon Juice blogger Dennis G. tackles the Netroots narrative in a good post:

I’ve been to Netroots Nation before and I know that there is far more to the event than these reports hyping “Angry Left” and “Democrats is disarray” memes seem to suggest. A lot of great discussions are being had, connections are being made and some real organizing for future victories is being done. But these reality based stories of the conference will not be how Netroots Nation is described to folks beyond the walls of the convention center. Control of that message has been surrendered. By Sunday, the “Manic Progressives” meme will be one of the non-stories in competition to replace Weinergate as the side show du jour. This notion that Right and Left both hate Obama in equal measure will help to [drown out coverage of the GOP]. It will feed the both sides are extreme and therefore the same story line. It will make the never-ending series of hostage negotiations with the GOP a bit more difficult. It will do nothing to help progressives win a single victory. And yet, this “Manic Progressives” message will be the one that defines Netroots Nations for most people who hear anything about it. So it goes.

It would be nice if Netroots Nation was in control of their message, but they are not. From the news reports it seems to be a gathering of the Left stading in solidarity with the Right to shout to the rest of the Nation that Obama is destroying America.


In other news, I ran into radio host Sam Seder in the convention hall, where he is hanging out in front of a promo poster that features him looking oddly ambivalent:

(Photo of Barack Obama from 2007 convention. Credit: Lindsay Beyersetein)

For other Netroots Nation coverage, check out Ari Berman on Dan Pfeiffer,
John Nichols on Feingold, and Ari Melber on Wisconsin.

The Nation’s Ari Melber is writing from Netroots Nation this week, and he is participating in the conference by moderating a keynote session with Senator Al Franken and union leaders on Saturday, June 18. The Nation is hosting a livestream of the conference here. Contact Ari Melber: Twitter, Facebook.

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