
The People Are Leading the Politicians in the Fight Against Trump

The People Are Leading the Politicians in the Fight Against Trump The People Are Leading the Politicians in the Fight Against Trump

Massive anti-Trump protests are helping Democrats find their spine.

Jan 31, 2017 / Editorial / Joan Walsh

Trump at Mar-a-Lago

Trump’s Harvest of Shame Trump’s Harvest of Shame

The goal of his Muslim ban is to stampede the public into accepting even more extreme measures in the name of self-defense.

Jan 31, 2017 / Naked Democracy / William Greider

Syrian Refugees Resettle to US

The Xenophobic Lie Behind Trump’s Ban on Syrian Refugees The Xenophobic Lie Behind Trump’s Ban on Syrian Refugees

Trump isn’t alone in promoting the idea that desperate civilians fleeing the carnage pose a security threat.

Jan 31, 2017 / Joshua Holland

Donald Trump

Donald Trump Represents the Worst of Football Culture Donald Trump Represents the Worst of Football Culture

But at least we can take hope in rebel athletes like Colin Kaepernick.

Jan 31, 2017 / Robert Lipsyte


The Doomsday Clock Is Now at Two and a Half Minutes to Midnight The Doomsday Clock Is Now at Two and a Half Minutes to Midnight

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says we are at the most dangerous moment since the height of the Cold War.

Jan 31, 2017 / James Carden

San Francisco Oil Refinery

This Bay Area Proposal Would Strike a Huge Blow to the Dirtiest Forms of Oil Production This Bay Area Proposal Would Strike a Huge Blow to the Dirtiest Forms of Oil Production

A proposed emissions cap would prevent the area’s refineries from converting dirtier-burning oils into fuel. Will it pass?

Jan 31, 2017 / Cities Rising / Will Parrish

LAX Trump protesters

The Resistance to Trump Is Big, Diverse, and Ferocious The Resistance to Trump Is Big, Diverse, and Ferocious

It will take sustained and strategic action on many fronts to defend our democracy while building a bigger, stronger progressive movement.

Jan 31, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Mad King Donald’s Alternative Facts Mad King Donald’s Alternative Facts

“I’m, like, very smart, believe me!”

Jan 31, 2017 / Tom Tomorrow

Trump Has Created a Constitutional Crisis

Trump Has Created a Constitutional Crisis Trump Has Created a Constitutional Crisis

It took Richard Nixon almost five years to launch a Saturday Night Massacre. Donald Trump launched a Monday Night Massacre in just ten days.

Jan 31, 2017 / John Nichols

Goldman Sachs

Trump’s Not Draining the Swamp—He’s Filling It Trump’s Not Draining the Swamp—He’s Filling It

Under President Trump, banking sharks will once again have immense influence on the American economy.

Jan 30, 2017 / Nomi Prins
