American Hubris, or, How Globalization Brought Us Donald Trump American Hubris, or, How Globalization Brought Us Donald Trump
It was “free trade” mania, pushed by both major political parties, that destroyed working-class prosperity and laid the groundwork for his triumph.
Apr 19, 2018 / William Greider

How the Swindlers of Silicon Valley Avoid Paying Taxes How the Swindlers of Silicon Valley Avoid Paying Taxes
Now they’re pushing an ingenious new dodge that would allow them to pay even less.
Oct 17, 2017 / William Greider

Why American Democracy Has Descended Into Collective Hysteria Why American Democracy Has Descended Into Collective Hysteria
We are a great power in decline—but neither party has a clue what to do about it.
Sep 28, 2017 / William Greider

How Corporate Capitalism Looted Democracy How Corporate Capitalism Looted Democracy
Democrats not only colluded with Republicans in the robbery—some may now be willing to allow corporations to evade hundreds of billions they owe in back taxes.
Sep 14, 2017 / William Greider

The Senate Should Censure Trump The Senate Should Censure Trump
It’s been done once before, against Andrew Jackson. Trump has disgraced the office of the presidency, so it’s time to do it again.
Apr 5, 2017 / William Greider

Trump Is Fighting a New Trade War—and This One Is Intramural Trump Is Fighting a New Trade War—and This One Is Intramural
A nasty White House battle has broken out between right-wing nationalists and globalist financiers.
Mar 16, 2017 / William Greider

Trump’s Harvest of Shame Trump’s Harvest of Shame
The goal of his Muslim ban is to stampede the public into accepting even more extreme measures in the name of self-defense.
Jan 31, 2017 / William Greider

Mitch McConnell Assaulted the Constitution (and Got Away With It) Mitch McConnell Assaulted the Constitution (and Got Away With It)
The senator refused to perform his duty in rejecting any consideration of Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.
Dec 21, 2016 / William Greider

The Plain People Spoke on November 8. Will the Powerful Listen? The Plain People Spoke on November 8. Will the Powerful Listen?
Like it or not, Tuesday’s ballot-box rebellion was a profound act of small-d democracy.
Nov 9, 2016 / William Greider

No Honeymoon for Hillary No Honeymoon for Hillary
If Clinton wins, she’ll inherit massive public anger unless she fights for progressive changes on trade and industrial policy.
Nov 8, 2016 / William Greider