
Puerto Rico debt crisis

How Hedge and Vulture Funds Have Exploited Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis How Hedge and Vulture Funds Have Exploited Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis

For this island teetering on bankruptcy, debt renegotiation is imminent—but on whose terms?

Jul 21, 2015 / Ed Morales

Greece flag and statue

Should Greece Leave the Euro? Should Greece Leave the Euro?

Economists disagree on whether it’s the best of what are now only bad options. But they do agree on one thing: The latest bailout plan will only lead to more suffering.

Jul 20, 2015 / Asha Thanki


How Can Greece Break Out of the Austerity Trap? How Can Greece Break Out of the Austerity Trap?

Whether it leaves or stays under the yoke of the German-led technocracy, Athens will need to find an alternative path to recovery.

Jul 20, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Can Living With Long-Term Drought Cause Trauma?

Can Living With Long-Term Drought Cause Trauma? Can Living With Long-Term Drought Cause Trauma?

While climate scientists warn about the dangers droughts pose to the natural world, Dr. Irwin Redlener worries about its effects on minds and bodies.

Jul 20, 2015 / Sarah Goodyear

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren Just Issued a Major Challenge to All Presidential Contenders Elizabeth Warren Just Issued a Major Challenge to All Presidential Contenders

Warren urges the candidates (read: Hillary Clinton) to push for legislation that would curb Wall Street’s influence in politics.

Jul 17, 2015 / George Zornick

Beijing Taxi

Cabbies Are Driving the Opposition to China’s Ridesharing Revolution Cabbies Are Driving the Opposition to China’s Ridesharing Revolution

Taxi drivers are striking back to defend their right to a fair living.

Jul 17, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Charleston March for Black Lives

Guns and the New Civil-Rights Movement: Charleston Is Not Sandy Hook Guns and the New Civil-Rights Movement: Charleston Is Not Sandy Hook

The Charleston shooting had more to do with racism and white supremacy than gun control regulation.

Jul 16, 2015 / Dante Barry

Serfing the Web: On-Demand Workers Deserve a Place at the Table

Serfing the Web: On-Demand Workers Deserve a Place at the Table Serfing the Web: On-Demand Workers Deserve a Place at the Table

Workers’ voices are being excluded from discussions on the future of the “sharing economy.”

Jul 16, 2015 / Trebor Scholz and Frank Pasquale

Chris Christie drinks water

Chris Christie Is Turning Tap Water Into a Private Commodity Chris Christie Is Turning Tap Water Into a Private Commodity

A new law pushed by the governor makes it even easier for towns to sell their public utilities to private corporations.

Jul 16, 2015 / James F. Kelly

In Flint, Michigan, Overpriced Water is Causing People’s Skin to Erupt in Rashes and Hair to Fall Out.

In Flint, Michigan, Overpriced Water is Causing People’s Skin to Erupt in Rashes and Hair to Fall Out. In Flint, Michigan, Overpriced Water is Causing People’s Skin to Erupt in Rashes and Hair to Fall Out.

As the nation’s infrastructure falls apart, water is becoming more expensive and less safe.

Jul 16, 2015 / Curt Guyette
