How the US Tests Out Some of Its Most Oppressive Domestic Policies on the World How the US Tests Out Some of Its Most Oppressive Domestic Policies on the World
From reproductive rights to incarceration, the rest of the globe has been a laboratory for some of our country’s worst policies.
Feb 2, 2017 / Michelle Chen

Trump’s Anti-Abortion Order Is Actually Likely to Increase Abortions Trump’s Anti-Abortion Order Is Actually Likely to Increase Abortions
The reinstatement of the “Global Gag Rule” means poor women in foreign countries will have narrower access to contraception and other health-care services.
Jan 23, 2017 / Zoë Carpenter

Trump Could Be the Most Hostile American President the UN Has Ever Faced Trump Could Be the Most Hostile American President the UN Has Ever Faced
Plus, there’s a Republican-led Congress itching to diminish the role of the organization and bankrupt many of its programs.
Jan 9, 2017 / Barbara Crossette

What Is the US Military Trying to Hide About Its Missions in Africa? What Is the US Military Trying to Hide About Its Missions in Africa?
The US military has underplayed its missions in Africa by massaging its numbers in testimony to Congress.
Jun 23, 2016 / Nick Turse

The Diplomats’ Revolt on Syria The Diplomats’ Revolt on Syria
Dozens of American diplomats are calling for strikes against the Assad regime, but they offer no endgame.
Jun 21, 2016 / Ali Gharib

Today Is Tax Day—Are Corporations Paying Their Fair Share? Today Is Tax Day—Are Corporations Paying Their Fair Share?
The amount of money corporations offshore is enough to fund healthcare for over 2 billion people worldwide.
Apr 18, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Barack Obama, Our Man in Havana Barack Obama, Our Man in Havana
In his historic visit to the island—the first by a US president in 88 years—Obama declared an end to the Cold War in the Americas.
Mar 22, 2016 / Peter Kornbluh

Only 1 Budget Proposal Makes Any Sense Only 1 Budget Proposal Makes Any Sense
The Congressional Progressive Caucus plan goes after bloated spending on the military-industrial complex—and reinvests in people.
Mar 18, 2016 / John Nichols

Who’s Really the Better Friend to Israel, Hillary or Bernie? Who’s Really the Better Friend to Israel, Hillary or Bernie?
Bernie’s better, but, sadly, neither candidate is acting the way a true friend should.
Feb 24, 2016 / Neve Gordon and Mark LeVine

Bernie Sanders, the Foreign-Policy Realist of 2016 Bernie Sanders, the Foreign-Policy Realist of 2016
Of all the presidential candidates of either party, Bernie is actually the most sober and clear-eyed.
Feb 19, 2016 / Feature / Robert English