Nick Turse

A US Army soldier on patrol near the Turkish border in northeastern Syria, May 2021.

The US Military’s Long History of Killing Innocents The US Military’s Long History of Killing Innocents

The Department of Defense’s annual civilian casualty report is two years behind—but even when it finally arrives, will it say anything of substance?

May 30, 2024 / Nick Turse

U.S. Army training Nigerien soliders

Niger Wants to Kick US Troops Out of the Country Niger Wants to Kick US Troops Out of the Country

This is just the latest in a series of stalemates, fiascos, or outright defeats that have come to typify America’s Global War on Terror.

Apr 4, 2024 / Nick Turse

American military helicopter wreckage in Mogadishu

The US Military Ignores and Neglects the Civilian Victims of Its Air Strikes The US Military Ignores and Neglects the Civilian Victims of Its Air Strikes

The United States can find time to issue orders for new air strikes but not to issue apologies for past errant attacks.

Feb 2, 2024 / Nick Turse

US Special Forces in Africa

What’s the US Military Doing in Africa? What’s the US Military Doing in Africa?

If it were up to the Pentagon, we’d never find out.

Oct 26, 2022 / Nick Turse

Boy watches airstrike Yemen

These Are the Civilian Deaths You Don’t Hear About These Are the Civilian Deaths You Don’t Hear About

Until the Defense Department overhauls its air strike policies, civilians will continue to die in attacks.

Apr 27, 2022 / Nick Turse

We Live in a World of Displacement

We Live in a World of Displacement We Live in a World of Displacement

The number of people forcibly displaced by war, persecution, general violence, or human rights violations last year swelled to a staggering 84 million—a number only expected to gro...

Mar 7, 2022 / Nick Turse

Mission Accomplished

2 Decades of Military Force Got Us Nowhere 2 Decades of Military Force Got Us Nowhere

Twenty years of war, around $6 trillion, and nearly 1 million corpses later, there are now more terrorist groups than in 2001.

Jan 5, 2022 / Nick Turse

General David Petraeus retirement

It Doesn’t Pay to Be Right About America’s Wars It Doesn’t Pay to Be Right About America’s Wars

This country hates to be reminded that not everyone was duped by the domino theory.

Nov 9, 2021 / Nick Turse

Drone Strikes

Will We Remember the Victims of the Kabul Drone Strike? Will We Remember the Victims of the Kabul Drone Strike?

For 20 years, the War on Terror has brought death and destruction to countless countries. Will we remember the victims?

Sep 29, 2021 / Nick Turse

The Ghosts of ‘War Porn’ Haunt Me

The Ghosts of ‘War Porn’ Haunt Me The Ghosts of ‘War Porn’ Haunt Me

Repeated exposure to violent imagery affects even those who weren’t physically present for the photo.

Jun 11, 2021 / Nick Turse
