Democrats Are Not Speaking Loudly Enough to Be Heard in Rural America Democrats Are Not Speaking Loudly Enough to Be Heard in Rural America
The party platform is not aggressive enough in reaching out to voters who could be won over.
Jul 8, 2016 / John Nichols

Progressives Need to Stop Ignoring Rural Communities Progressives Need to Stop Ignoring Rural Communities
If your words and actions make sense to people and honor their experiences, they’ll get behind you. Even in the country.
Jun 22, 2016 / Anthony Flaccavento

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Hurt Farmers and Make Seed Companies Richer The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Hurt Farmers and Make Seed Companies Richer
Here’s why experts say the trade deal is a “big win” for the biotech seed industry.
Jun 10, 2016 / Alex Press

This Former Fisherman Is Now Farming the Most Sustainable Food on Earth—Underwater This Former Fisherman Is Now Farming the Most Sustainable Food on Earth—Underwater
“For the first time in generations, we have an opportunity to grow food the right way, provide good middle-class jobs, restore ecosystems, and feed the planet.”
May 6, 2016 / Bren Smith and Lisa Holmes

A New Study Suggests Even the Toughest Pesticide Regulations Aren’t Nearly Tough Enough A New Study Suggests Even the Toughest Pesticide Regulations Aren’t Nearly Tough Enough
As in most states, regulators in California measure the effect of only one pesticide at a time. But farmers often use several pesticides together—and that’s a big, toxic problem.
Feb 23, 2016 / Liza Gross

In New York, Farmworkers Rally for 1 Cent of Dignity In New York, Farmworkers Rally for 1 Cent of Dignity
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers has won battles with McDonald’s, Burger King, Subway, Chipotle, and Taco Bell. Is Wendy’s next?
Nov 18, 2015 / Daniel Moattar

What If Your Tap Water Was Too Polluted to Drink? What If Your Tap Water Was Too Polluted to Drink?
This sorry state of affairs is the daily reality for too many Americans.
Oct 30, 2015 / Michelle Chen

How Did New Orleans’s Vietnamese Americans Recover After Katrina? How Did New Orleans’s Vietnamese Americans Recover After Katrina?
The community’s success is a model for solidarity across race and class in the face of natural disaster and political disenfranchisement.
Sep 30, 2015 / Michelle Chen

The Pacific Coast Farm-Worker Rebellion The Pacific Coast Farm-Worker Rebellion
From Baja California to Washington State, indigenous farm workers are standing up for their rights.
Aug 28, 2015 / David Bacon

Meet the New York State Community That’s Standing Up to Big Energy Meet the New York State Community That’s Standing Up to Big Energy
The Crestwood corporation wants to build a massive fracking hub in Seneca Lake—but residents won't let that happen without a fight.
Jul 9, 2015 / Ellen Cantarow