Political Figures

Donald Trump and Family

Donald Trump Has Played the Man Card His Whole Life Donald Trump Has Played the Man Card His Whole Life

Most women have worked for, or dated, a sexist jerk like Trump. They don’t want to see him as president.

May 16, 2016 / Joan Walsh

To Beat a Nasty, Brutish Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Will Have to Do Something Different

To Beat a Nasty, Brutish Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Will Have to Do Something Different To Beat a Nasty, Brutish Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Will Have to Do Something Different

Old-school triangulation and appealing to moderates is not going to work this year.

May 16, 2016 / Editorial / Bruce Shapiro

Senator Elizabeth Warren

Why Is Elizabeth Warren Working With a Pro-Trump Republican? Why Is Elizabeth Warren Working With a Pro-Trump Republican?

The champion of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party and a hard-charging conservative have found common ground.

May 13, 2016 / George Zornick

Donald Trump in the Spin Room

Trumpism and the ‘Liberal Elite’ Trumpism and the ‘Liberal Elite’

Conservatives and pundits who blame liberals for Trump’s rise are willfully ignoring reality.

May 13, 2016 / Eric Alterman

Ash Carter and Henry Kissinger

The Obama Administration Just Granted Henry Kissinger a Distinguished Public Service Award The Obama Administration Just Granted Henry Kissinger a Distinguished Public Service Award

An outsized personality who has committed outsized mayhem, Kissinger eclipses his own context.

May 10, 2016 / Greg Grandin

Against Trump, Clinton Should Resist the Temptation of Triangulation

Against Trump, Clinton Should Resist the Temptation of Triangulation Against Trump, Clinton Should Resist the Temptation of Triangulation

By running a progressive campaign and winning, Clinton can do something lasting and important. She can move the center to the left.

May 10, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Puny Fact Checkers Are No Match for the Incredible Trump Puny Fact Checkers Are No Match for the Incredible Trump

And other lessons from Primary Pandemonium.

May 10, 2016 / Tom Tomorrow

Speaker Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan’s (Exceptionally Cynical and Self-Serving) Dance With Donald Trump Paul Ryan’s (Exceptionally Cynical and Self-Serving) Dance With Donald Trump

The speaker’s grandstanding has very little to do with political courage, and very much to do with political positioning.

May 9, 2016 / John Nichols

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Donald Trump Has No Idea What His Tax Plan Is—but Let’s Talk About Taco Bowls! Donald Trump Has No Idea What His Tax Plan Is—but Let’s Talk About Taco Bowls!

The media is enabling Donald Trump’s Etch-a-Sketch moment.

May 6, 2016 / Joan Walsh

If Donald Trump Were a Woman and If Hillary Clinton Were a Man

If Donald Trump Were a Woman and If Hillary Clinton Were a Man If Donald Trump Were a Woman and If Hillary Clinton Were a Man

Here’s what the election would look like.

May 6, 2016 / Rebecca Solnit
