Middle East

A Palestinian child is taken by Israeli police in Jerusalem

Stop the Imprisonment of Palestinian Children Stop the Imprisonment of Palestinian Children

Abusive treatment, coerced confessions, and deprivation of counsel and parental contact—at any one time, hundreds of kids are in lockup in violation of basic human rights.

Apr 17, 2017 / Azadeh Shahshahani

Kurds advocating for the

Turkey’s Fateful Referendum: The Road to Dictatorship? Turkey’s Fateful Referendum: The Road to Dictatorship?

If it passes this Sunday, the country will adopt a presidential system, but without the checks and balances that constrain President Erdogan’s power.

Apr 12, 2017 / Umar Farooq

Tulsi Gabbard TPP

Democrats Shouldn’t Be Trying to Banish Tulsi Gabbard Democrats Shouldn’t Be Trying to Banish Tulsi Gabbard

Her skepticism about the origin of the chemical-weapons attack in Syria was warranted.

Apr 12, 2017 / Robert L. Borosage

Donald Trump

‘Words Are Also Deeds’: Unverified Stories and the Growing Risk of War With Russia ‘Words Are Also Deeds’: Unverified Stories and the Growing Risk of War With Russia

The US narratives for which there are as of yet no facts could lead to direct military conflict between Washington and Moscow.

Apr 12, 2017 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen

Gaza Strip Reading Activism

Most of Gaza’s Libraries Have Been Closed or Destroyed—and You Can Help a New One Get Off the Ground Most of Gaza’s Libraries Have Been Closed or Destroyed—and You Can Help a New One Get Off the Ground

Public libraries in Gaza hold only 70,000 books for a population of 1.8 million.

Apr 11, 2017 / Katha Pollitt


Syria Strike Follows Washington’s Failed Foreign-Policy Playbook Syria Strike Follows Washington’s Failed Foreign-Policy Playbook

For those who recognize that Trump cannot bomb his way to peace, it is time to revive and mobilize an antiwar movement.

Apr 11, 2017 / Editorial / Katrina vanden Heuvel

US Warships near Korean Peninsula

In Trump’s Cruise-Missile Diplomacy, Iran and North Korea Could Be Next In Trump’s Cruise-Missile Diplomacy, Iran and North Korea Could Be Next

The president has steadily increased the use of force, relaxing the rules of engagement and giving his generals free rein.

Apr 11, 2017 / Michael T. Klare

Syria demonstration. Protestors from the Stop the War Coalition take part in a demonstration outside Downing Street, in Westminster, London on Friday, April 7, 2017.

Demand That Congress Cancel Its Recess to Rein in Trump’s Illegal War in Syria Demand That Congress Cancel Its Recess to Rein in Trump’s Illegal War in Syria

The same man who slammed the door on Syrian refugees used the plight of Syrian children to justify the bombing.

Apr 7, 2017 / no-paywall / NationAction

Zakaria on Trump's Syria Airstrikes

Too Many of Trump’s Liberal Critics Are Praising His Strike on Syria Too Many of Trump’s Liberal Critics Are Praising His Strike on Syria

Anyone who supports these missile strikes has to account for what comes next.

Apr 7, 2017 / Joan Walsh

Trump’s Bombing of Syria Spells the Premature End of Détente

Trump’s Bombing of Syria Spells the Premature End of Détente Trump’s Bombing of Syria Spells the Premature End of Détente

And now, he’s become an object of praise by the US foreign policy establishment which never tires equating “seriousness” with unilateral acts of war on sovereign nations.

Apr 7, 2017 / James Carden
