
Governor Jeb Bush

The GOP’s Class Divide on Austerity The GOP’s Class Divide on Austerity

Even inside the GOP, the working poor don’t support the austerity politics of the party’s elites.

Feb 19, 2016 / Sean McElwee

Walmart Chicago

There’s an Easy Way to Save $17 Billion a Year in Public Assistance There’s an Easy Way to Save $17 Billion a Year in Public Assistance

And it isn’t cutting food stamps.

Feb 18, 2016 / David Cooper

Crumpled dollar

Inequality Will Not Go Away On Its Own. Here’s How to Close the Gap. Inequality Will Not Go Away On Its Own. Here’s How to Close the Gap.

To ensure a future of shared prosperity, we need to rewrite the rules that protect the wealthiest Americans.

Feb 18, 2016 / Feature / Sarah Anderson, Marc Bayard, John Cavanagh, Chuck Collins, Josh Hoxie, and Sam Pizzigati

How Wall Street Reform Could Give Low-Income Families a Big Boost

How Wall Street Reform Could Give Low-Income Families a Big Boost How Wall Street Reform Could Give Low-Income Families a Big Boost

Reining in the big banks would reduce risk while generating investment opportunities for everyone else.

Feb 18, 2016 / Feature / Sarah Anderson, Marc Bayard, John Cavanagh, Chuck Collins, Josh Hoxie, and Sam Pizzigati

Black Workers Matter, Too

Black Workers Matter, Too Black Workers Matter, Too

A movement linking civil rights with the right to organize would narrow the racial wage gap—and reinvigorate American labor.

Feb 18, 2016 / Feature / Sarah Anderson, Marc Bayard, John Cavanagh, Chuck Collins, Josh Hoxie, and Sam Pizzigati

Retirement Benefits Are Rigged to Favor the Rich

Retirement Benefits Are Rigged to Favor the Rich Retirement Benefits Are Rigged to Favor the Rich

Wealthy CEOs are sheltering too much of their pay. A cap could fund long-term care for all seniors.

Feb 18, 2016 / Feature / Sarah Anderson, Marc Bayard, John Cavanagh, Chuck Collins, Josh Hoxie, and Sam Pizzigati

Race Best Predicts Whether You Live Near Pollution

Race Best Predicts Whether You Live Near Pollution Race Best Predicts Whether You Live Near Pollution

Environmental racism extends far beyond Flint.

Feb 18, 2016 / Editorial / Bryce Covert

How US Tax Policy Encourages Outrageous CEO Compensation

How US Tax Policy Encourages Outrageous CEO Compensation How US Tax Policy Encourages Outrageous CEO Compensation

This loophole will cost the federal treasury an estimated $50 billion over the next decade.

Feb 18, 2016 / Feature / Sarah Anderson, Marc Bayard, John Cavanagh, Chuck Collins, Josh Hoxie, and Sam Pizzigati

Elderly hands

Why Are Poor Americans Dying So Much Earlier Than Rich Americans? Why Are Poor Americans Dying So Much Earlier Than Rich Americans?

A study finds widening gaps in longevity between people at the far ends of the economic ladder. That means high earners are reaping more and more of the benefits of Social Security...

Feb 18, 2016 / Zoë Carpenter

The Union Busting That Goes Into Your Canned Fish

The Union Busting That Goes Into Your Canned Fish The Union Busting That Goes Into Your Canned Fish

A free trade deal between the US and Morocco was supposed to increase development in North Africa—not flame labor conflicts and union suppression.

Feb 17, 2016 / Michelle Chen
