The Democratic Presidential Candidates Would End Private Prison Contracts The Democratic Presidential Candidates Would End Private Prison Contracts
A Nation investigation found startling medical neglect inside privatized, immigrant-only federal prisons. Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton say they would end these, and all,...
Feb 8, 2016 / Julianne Hing

End Abuse in Our Privatized Immigrant-Only Prisons End Abuse in Our Privatized Immigrant-Only Prisons
A recent investigation published by The Nation found that dozens of men had died in disturbing circumstances in privatized, immigrant-only prisons. Join The Nation, the ACLU, Deten...
Feb 3, 2016 / NationAction

The For-Profit Sadism of ‘Incarceration, Inc.’ The For-Profit Sadism of ‘Incarceration, Inc.’
An article in The Nation thirty years ago was an early warning about the growth of the prison-industrial complex.
Jan 28, 2016 / Richard Kreitner

‘This Man Will Almost Certainly Die’ ‘This Man Will Almost Certainly Die’
Dozens of men have died in disturbing circumstances in privatized, immigrant-only prisons. The Bureau of Prisons itself says there’s a problem. And yet the privatization scheme con...
Jan 28, 2016 / Feature / Seth Freed Wessler

The 25 Men Whose Lives Ended Under Questionable Circumstances The 25 Men Whose Lives Ended Under Questionable Circumstances
Medical doctors agreed that inadequate care likely contributed to the premature deaths of these men inside the Bureau of Prison’s private facilities.
Jan 28, 2016 / Seth Freed Wessler

A Guide to Our Investigation of Deaths Inside the Federal Bureau of Prison’s Immigrant-Only Facilities A Guide to Our Investigation of Deaths Inside the Federal Bureau of Prison’s Immigrant-Only Facilities
The basics on how and why this system exists.
Jan 28, 2016 / Seth Freed Wessler

How Prison Reform Could Turn the Prison-Industrial Complex Into the Treatment-Industrial Complex How Prison Reform Could Turn the Prison-Industrial Complex Into the Treatment-Industrial Complex
The private prison industry is exploiting prison reform efforts by shifting from brick-and-mortar carceral facilities to outsourced social services.
Nov 20, 2015 / Michelle Chen

The True Story of a Texas Prison Riot The True Story of a Texas Prison Riot
And how our rush to lock up immigrants has overwhelmed the federal prison system.
Jun 23, 2015 / Investigation / Seth Freed Wessler

Michael Moore for President Michael Moore for President
If nominated, I will run. If elected, I will serve.
Mar 23, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Michael Moore

Columbia Students to Lee Bollinger: Divest From Prisons Now! Columbia Students to Lee Bollinger: Divest From Prisons Now!
As of last year, the university had $8 million invested in Corrections Corporation of America, as well as shares in other private security firms.
Mar 20, 2015 / Clare Sestanovich