Police brutality

A police commander punches a protester in Brooklyn on May 31 during a demonstration against Israeli attacks on Rafah. A New York court approved a settlement agreement that obligates the NYPD to minimize its presence at protests and facilitate First Amendment activity.

The NYPD Is Back to Its Violent Old Ways The NYPD Is Back to Its Violent Old Ways

New York City police promised to minimize their presence at protests and stop brutalizing demonstrators. The NYPD is barely pretending to follow the settlement agreement.

Jun 10, 2024 / Ella Fanger

Pro-Palestinian protesters face off with the police in a demonstration at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) on May 23, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

Palestinian Liberation and Police Abolition Go Hand In Hand Palestinian Liberation and Police Abolition Go Hand In Hand

The severe repression of the recent encampment protests proves that these struggles are inexorably linked.

Jun 3, 2024 / Jonathan Ben-Menachem and Trip Eggert

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Holds Gather For Another Protest On University Of Texas Campus

The Protesters’ Call for Divestment Is Not a Technical One The Protesters’ Call for Divestment Is Not a Technical One

It is a question of will, not capacity.

May 7, 2024 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

A view of the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University in New York City on April 23, 2024.

The Student Encampments Aren’t a Danger to Jews. But the Crackdown Is. The Student Encampments Aren’t a Danger to Jews. But the Crackdown Is.

The narrative of protesters endangering Jewish students has been used to justify police repression. But at the Columbia encampment, I saw a commitment to confronting antisemitism....

May 3, 2024 / Hadas Thier

NYPD officers in riot gear march onto Columbia University campus, where pro-Palestinian students are barricaded inside a building and have set up an encampment, in New York City on April 30, 2024.

This Is How Power Protects Itself This Is How Power Protects Itself

The decision to sic the police on peaceful protesters is evidence that people in charge are panicking. They’re terrified of the strength of the movement for Palestine.

May 1, 2024 / Jack Mirkinson

Cop City and the Silencing of Dissent

Cop City and the Silencing of Dissent Cop City and the Silencing of Dissent

Officials in Georgia are covering up the police killing of a protester and waging a chilling assault on the right to protest.

Sep 14, 2023 / Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib

How Georgia Indicted a Movement

How Georgia Indicted a Movement How Georgia Indicted a Movement

The state’s prosecution of Stop Cop City protesters is astonishingly honest in its ambitions to crush Georgia’s left.

Sep 12, 2023 / Zohra Ahmed and Elizabeth Taxel

Makeshift memorial in honor of slain activist Tortuguita

Meet the Ex-Prosecutor Behind the Legal Effort to Stop Atlanta’s “Cop City” Meet the Ex-Prosecutor Behind the Legal Effort to Stop Atlanta’s “Cop City”

Attorney Alex Joseph has a radical long-shot plan to halt the police training center: direct democracy.

Jul 20, 2023 / Ryan Zickgraf

A police armored vehicle patrols an intersection on August 24, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Police Are Spreading Authoritarianism Under the Guise of Counterterrorism Police Are Spreading Authoritarianism Under the Guise of Counterterrorism

Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has doubled down on an inquisitorial strategy of counterinsurgency in the name of counterterrorism.  

Jul 12, 2023 / Michael Gould-Wartofsky

French police officers detain a demonstrator in Paris on July 2, 2023.

France Has a Deep History of Racist Policing—Even if It Won’t Admit It France Has a Deep History of Racist Policing—Even if It Won’t Admit It

The recent protests sparked by the killing of a Black teenager are a response to a racist legacy that the French state virtually refuses to acknowledge.

Jul 7, 2023 / Amit Prakash
