Letters From the October 31, 2016, Issue Letters From the October 31, 2016, Issue
Hello, goodbye… Bern on, Bern out… With or without her… Media malfeasance… Pragmatism trumps purity… Uberteachers …
Oct 13, 2016 / Our Readers
How Little Is Too Little Money for Schools? How Little Is Too Little Money for Schools?
Kansas City, Kansas, saw amazing gains, then lost $50 million, and now they’re trying to keep up reforms on a shoestring.
Jun 6, 2016 / Jonathan Sapers
Planned Parenthood to Undercover Video Group: We’ll See You in Court Planned Parenthood to Undercover Video Group: We’ll See You in Court
Planned Parenthood has filed a massive lawsuit accusing the Center for Medical Progress of instigating a “a complex criminal enterprise.”
Jan 15, 2016 / Zoë Carpenter
A Voter-Fraud Witch Hunt in Kansas A Voter-Fraud Witch Hunt in Kansas
The leading crusader behind the myth of voter fraud now has the power to prosecute bogus fraud cases.
Jun 11, 2015 / Ari Berman
The Dangerous ‘Red-State Model’ The Dangerous ‘Red-State Model’
Kansas's red-state experiment speaks bigger truths about the reality of the GOP.
Jun 2, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
This Is What Happens When You Slash Funding for Public Universities This Is What Happens When You Slash Funding for Public Universities
Like other struggling schools, the University of Arizona is raising out-of-state tuition—and courting the affluent students who can afford to pay it.
May 19, 2015 / Feature / Michelle Goldberg
The Republican Governors Thank You for Your Donation The Republican Governors Thank You for Your Donation
Your retirement account is bankrolling politicians to whom you’d never dream of sending a check.
Jan 14, 2015 / Feature / Jamie Raskin
This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education
Outrage over deep budget cutbacks in key states is hurting the GOP.
Oct 8, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter
Scott Walker Has a Rough Race on His Hands—and It’s Not for President Scott Walker Has a Rough Race on His Hands—and It’s Not for President
A big primary win and solid poll numbers put a Democrat in serious contention against Wisconsin’s governor.
Aug 13, 2014 / John Nichols
The True Story of Sharia in American Courts The True Story of Sharia in American Courts
Sharia is as unthreatening to the US legal system as the ideas in the Old Testament. Yet bigoted hysteria is fueling legislation that actually undermines our courts.