With MP Jo Cox’s Murder, Britain’s Campaign to Leave the EU Turns Toxic With MP Jo Cox’s Murder, Britain’s Campaign to Leave the EU Turns Toxic
The demons of xenophobia, resentment, and rage unleashed by Brexit informed the killer’s act.
Jun 17, 2016 / Maria Margaronis

The EU Has Turned Greece Into a Prison for Refugees The EU Has Turned Greece Into a Prison for Refugees
The grief, frustration, and need that have washed up on these shores is overwhelming.
May 27, 2016 / Feature / Maria Margaronis

Desperate Syrian Refugees Begin a Hunger Strike in Greece Desperate Syrian Refugees Begin a Hunger Strike in Greece
“Tell the EU governments this deal is the biggest shame in the history of the whole EU.”
May 18, 2016 / Maria Margaronis

Is the European Union Unraveling Before Our Eyes? Is the European Union Unraveling Before Our Eyes?
It’s being destroyed by its own contradictions and failure to deal with the refugee crisis.
Mar 7, 2016 / Maria Margaronis

Syriza Couldn’t End Austerity in Greece—Here’s Why Voters Reelected Them Anyway Syriza Couldn’t End Austerity in Greece—Here’s Why Voters Reelected Them Anyway
Like a tragic hero, Alexis Tsipras acted out the country’s impasse—and the impasse of the left—dramatically, in real time, with real people’s lives.
Sep 21, 2015 / Maria Margaronis

The Promise, and Peril, of Europe’s New Left Solidarity The Promise, and Peril, of Europe’s New Left Solidarity
There's been a groundswell of insurgent politics, from Greece to Britain, but so far victory has been elusive.
Aug 26, 2015 / Feature / Maria Margaronis

The Troika’s Ultimatum to Greece Is Terrible. Leaving the Euro Would Be Worse. The Troika’s Ultimatum to Greece Is Terrible. Leaving the Euro Would Be Worse.
Those who blithely call for exit haven’t fully imagined what that would mean for Greek citizens.
Jul 13, 2015 / Maria Margaronis

Greek Voters to Eurozone: We Can’t and Won’t Do This Anymore Greek Voters to Eurozone: We Can’t and Won’t Do This Anymore
A “No” vote meant acknowledging the end of the fantasy of a benevolent, neutral Europe and taking a leap of faith into the unknown.
Jul 6, 2015 / Maria Margaronis

Will Europe’s Leaders Push Greece to the Breaking Point? Will Europe’s Leaders Push Greece to the Breaking Point?
The crisis isn’t quite as dire as the media often portray it, but still—this is a dangerous moment for Greek democracy and for Europe.
Jun 21, 2015 / Maria Margaronis

Syriza on the Brink Syriza on the Brink
Greece’s anti-austerity party continues to struggle to resolve the country’s fiscal crisis.
Jun 4, 2015 / Maria Margaronis