Working Conditions

Olympic rings in Tokyo

The 2020 Games Are Postponed, but Should the Olympics Even Happen at All Anymore? The 2020 Games Are Postponed, but Should the Olympics Even Happen at All Anymore?

In the best of times, they bring debt, displacement, pollution, and hyper militarization. In the worst, they are a shocking waste of resources in the name of nationalistic fervor.

Mar 24, 2020 / Dave Zirin and Jules Boykoff

If the UK Can Protect Workers From Covid-19 Layoffs, Why Not the US?

If the UK Can Protect Workers From Covid-19 Layoffs, Why Not the US? If the UK Can Protect Workers From Covid-19 Layoffs, Why Not the US?

House members Rosa DeLauro and Mark Pocan have a plan to keep Americans working.

Mar 21, 2020 / no-paywall / John Nichols

A target worker stocks goods at a store in Riverside, California

Amid a Pandemic, Target Employees Work in Fear Amid a Pandemic, Target Employees Work in Fear

Target and many other big retailers have yet to provide paid sick leave, endangering workers and customers.

Mar 19, 2020 / no-paywall / P.E. Moskowitz

Sara Nelson speaking at press conference

Sara Nelson Says People Are Ready for Solidarity Sara Nelson Says People Are Ready for Solidarity

The president of the Association of Flight Attendants tells Sarah Jaffe that the pandemic reveals what unions already know: “An injury to one is an injury to all.”

Mar 18, 2020 / no-paywall / Sarah Jaffe

A worker cleans seat after Covid-19 cancellation

‘We Will Get Our Sports Back When We Deserve To’: A Q&A With Dr. Adia Benton ‘We Will Get Our Sports Back When We Deserve To’: A Q&A With Dr. Adia Benton

The leading anthropologist, academic, and analyst of sports and disease offers an unsparing assessment of the sports world’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Mar 17, 2020 / no-paywall / Dave Zirin

‘We Have No Nurses and No Isolation Room’

‘We Have No Nurses and No Isolation Room’ ‘We Have No Nurses and No Isolation Room’

Why teachers, principals, and politicians pushed New York’s mayor to shut down the country’s largest school system.

Mar 15, 2020 / no-paywall / Ross Barkan

Disney Is Not the Greatest Place on Earth to Work

Disney Is Not the Greatest Place on Earth to Work Disney Is Not the Greatest Place on Earth to Work

On the occasion of CEO Robert Iger’s departure, it’s a good time to remember the messed-up ways in which Walt Disney Company makes its money.

Mar 12, 2020 / Peter Dreier

Fans leave after NBA game is cancelled

The NBA’s Coronavirus Cancellation and the Workers Left Behind The NBA’s Coronavirus Cancellation and the Workers Left Behind

The season had to be put on hold, but the economic repercussions must be addressed.

Mar 12, 2020 / no-paywall / Dave Zirin

A man wearing a protective mask and passing in front of the New York Stock Exchange, walking his dog.

A Survival Guide for the Coronavirus Economy A Survival Guide for the Coronavirus Economy

How the government should act when public health concerns are economic ones, too. 

Mar 12, 2020 / no-paywall / Joelle Gamble

Medical workers striking

‘I Am Willing to Take a Bullet for You. Are You Willing to Go on Strike for Me?’ ‘I Am Willing to Take a Bullet for You. Are You Willing to Go on Strike for Me?’

The government won’t listen. The police keep cracking down. So Hong Kong protesters are trying a new tactic: They’re forming unions.

Mar 12, 2020 / Jun Pang and Nickolas Tang
