War and Peace

The Central African Republic’s Forgotten Crisis

The Central African Republic’s Forgotten Crisis The Central African Republic’s Forgotten Crisis

Though it scarcely makes headlines, the Central African Republic’s vicious civil war has created a sickening humanitarian crisis.

Sep 11, 2014 / Foreign Policy In Focus / Nathalie Baptiste and Foreign Policy In Focus

Is the War on ISIS Illegal?

Is the War on ISIS Illegal? Is the War on ISIS Illegal?

The Obama administration’s legal justification for expanding military action in Iraq and Syria is hypocritical and based on tenuous logic.

Sep 11, 2014 / Blog / Zoë Carpenter

The Speech on Diplomacy That Obama Should Have Given Last Night

The Speech on Diplomacy That Obama Should Have Given Last Night The Speech on Diplomacy That Obama Should Have Given Last Night

Not taking military action isn’t the same thing as doing nothing.

Sep 11, 2014 / Phyllis Bennis

Obama’s Plan for Military Action Requires Congressional Checks and Balances

Obama’s Plan for Military Action Requires Congressional Checks and Balances Obama’s Plan for Military Action Requires Congressional Checks and Balances

Congress has a constitutional duty to debate and vote on Obama’s plan to expand the US role in Iraq and Syria.

Sep 11, 2014 / Blog / John Nichols

‘Europe Is Splintering Over the Ukrainian Crisis’

‘Europe Is Splintering Over the Ukrainian Crisis’ ‘Europe Is Splintering Over the Ukrainian Crisis’

The conflict in Ukraine has divided the EU into two factions with opposite views on Russia.

Sep 10, 2014 / Nation in the News / Stephen F. Cohen

Why was Paul Krugman so Wrong?

Why was Paul Krugman so Wrong? Why was Paul Krugman so Wrong?

There’s a frightening enthusiasm for war among pundits—and now the public seems ready to go along too.

Sep 10, 2014 / Editorial / William Greider

From Schools to Shelters in Iraqi Kurdistan

From Schools to Shelters in Iraqi Kurdistan From Schools to Shelters in Iraqi Kurdistan

Yazidi refugees now sleep in classrooms, hallways and the courtyards of facilities intended for children’s education. What happens when school starts?

Sep 10, 2014 / Foreign Policy In Focus / Fred Abrahams and Foreign Policy In Focus

As Obama Prepares His Iraq Talk, Massachusetts Democrats Nominate an Antiwar Vet for Congress

As Obama Prepares His Iraq Talk, Massachusetts Democrats Nominate an Antiwar Vet for Congress As Obama Prepares His Iraq Talk, Massachusetts Democrats Nominate an Antiwar Vet for Congress

Candidate Seth Moulton is in “the long tradition of men and women who served and then used their public positions to speak out against war…”

Sep 10, 2014 / Blog / John Nichols

Language and Blood

Language and Blood Language and Blood

In 1941, genocide broke out in Croatia, and we still cannot explain why.

Sep 9, 2014 / Books & the Arts / John Connelly

Despite a Cease-fire, Peace in Eastern Ukraine Remains Out of Reach

Despite a Cease-fire, Peace in Eastern Ukraine Remains Out of Reach Despite a Cease-fire, Peace in Eastern Ukraine Remains Out of Reach

The cease-fire appears to be a politically useful fiction.

Sep 9, 2014 / Alec Luhn
