
Brazlians celebrate Olympic bid win

How the Rio Olympics Could Cement a Brazilian Coup How the Rio Olympics Could Cement a Brazilian Coup

Scandals engulfing the country’s elite are not touching the 2016 Olympics. This could very well be by design.

Mar 21, 2016 / Dave Zirin


How the Kansas Jayhawks Can Help Stop the Madness How the Kansas Jayhawks Can Help Stop the Madness

NCAA programs are rarely seen as part of the fight to change a thoroughly corrupt operation. Kansas could be different.

Mar 17, 2016 / Dave Zirin

Los Angeles Rams Owner Wanted Players to Still Be Classified as St. Louis Workers

Los Angeles Rams Owner Wanted Players to Still Be Classified as St. Louis Workers Los Angeles Rams Owner Wanted Players to Still Be Classified as St. Louis Workers

Billionaire Stan Kroenke wished to take his NFL team to California. Yet he missed one thing about Missouri: the labor laws.

Mar 15, 2016 / Dave Zirin

Sports Marketing

Sports Marketing Sports Marketing

For Fightball players, the game is a mix of endurance and skill. For the audience, there’s a mix of spectacle, glamour, and drama.

Mar 15, 2016 / Photo Essay / Naima Green

Urban Meyer on the sidelines

Ohio State Football Coach Urban Meyer Endorses John Kasich in a Greasy Political Payback Ohio State Football Coach Urban Meyer Endorses John Kasich in a Greasy Political Payback

Meyer has done very well in Ohio. His players cannot organize, and his salary is sky-high. This week, he paid back the man who has made it happen.

Mar 11, 2016 / Dave Zirin

Cuba and the United States Play ‘Béisbol’ Diplomacy

Cuba and the United States Play ‘Béisbol’ Diplomacy Cuba and the United States Play ‘Béisbol’ Diplomacy

As Obama prepares for the first visit to the island by a US president in 88 years, the two nations reconnect through a shared pastime.

Mar 10, 2016 / Editorial / Peter Kornbluh

Trump and O'Neil

Yankee Great Paul O’Neill Endorses Trump, Slaps Latino Players Across the Face Yankee Great Paul O’Neill Endorses Trump, Slaps Latino Players Across the Face

He’s sending quite the message to his former teammates and the game he ostensibly loves.

Mar 9, 2016 / Dave Zirin


‘Trump’ Has Become a Racial Taunt at High School Sporting Events ‘Trump’ Has Become a Racial Taunt at High School Sporting Events

Powerful people in sports have helped to legitimize this man, and we’re already seeing the consequences play out.

Mar 7, 2016 / Dave Zirin

Gianni Infantino

Meet Gianni Infantino, the New Head of FIFA Meet Gianni Infantino, the New Head of FIFA

The role of the chief comes with less power and a clear mission to make the operation a bit less rank.

Mar 2, 2016 / Dave Zirin

Girls and Soldier Conflict Over Soccer

It’s Time to Kick Israel Out of Soccer It’s Time to Kick Israel Out of Soccer

As we said for South Africa, “No normal sport in an abnormal society.” The idea has already rattled Israeli diplomats.

Mar 1, 2016 / Sean Jacobs and Aubrey Bloomfield
