Regions and Countries

How A Siberian Mom Took on Politics as Usual in Russia and Won

How A Siberian Mom Took on Politics as Usual in Russia and Won How A Siberian Mom Took on Politics as Usual in Russia and Won

In Siberia, Natalia Pinus is taking on established political forces and challenging the idea that Russian democracy is no more than a puppet show.

Aug 25, 2016 / Sarah Lindemann-Komarova

Mexico’s Striking Teachers Stand Firm Against State Repression

Mexico’s Striking Teachers Stand Firm Against State Repression Mexico’s Striking Teachers Stand Firm Against State Repression

The government refuses to negotiate, heightening the danger of further bloody confrontation.

Aug 25, 2016 / David Bacon

Feyisa Lilesa Olympic Protest

This Rio Olympic Medalist Risked His Life to Show Solidarity This Rio Olympic Medalist Risked His Life to Show Solidarity

With one gesture, Ethiopian runner Feyisa Lilesa seized the Olympics spotlight and educated the world. 

Aug 25, 2016 / Dave Zirin


France Has a Strange Concept of Feminism—and Secularism France Has a Strange Concept of Feminism—and Secularism

Local bans on “burkinis” aren’t only wrong—they’re counterproductive.

Aug 25, 2016 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Your Nationalism Can’t Contain Me

Your Nationalism Can’t Contain Me Your Nationalism Can’t Contain Me

I’ve held three passports and claimed many identities, all at once. I am the future of citizenship.

Aug 25, 2016 / Feature / Aminatta Forna

Pundits, Decrying the Horrors of War in Aleppo, Demand Expanded War

Pundits, Decrying the Horrors of War in Aleppo, Demand Expanded War Pundits, Decrying the Horrors of War in Aleppo, Demand Expanded War

As with Iraq and Libya, these laptop bombardiers offer no clear plan for how to actually end the suffering of the Syrian people.

Aug 24, 2016 / Editorial / Adam Johnson

Putin 2016

More Alarming News From the Fronts of the New Cold War More Alarming News From the Fronts of the New Cold War

Finland may become yet another front, the war party may have defeated Obama on Syria policy, and dangerous desperation in Kiev.

Aug 24, 2016 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen

Can War Reporting Be a Feminist Project?

Can War Reporting Be a Feminist Project? Can War Reporting Be a Feminist Project?

Women journalists can go to places where men are barred—and build their careers by exposing the lives of other women.

Aug 24, 2016 / Feature / Rafia Zakaria

Civilans look at rubble from Saudi airstrike

Why Is the United States Abetting Saudi War Crimes in Yemen? Why Is the United States Abetting Saudi War Crimes in Yemen?

The Obama administration’s record-setting arms deals with Riyadh have strengthened extremists and led to greater regional instability.

Aug 23, 2016 / Mohamad Bazzi

Antonio Di Benedetto

An Argentinian Novelist, Out of Oblivion An Argentinian Novelist, Out of Oblivion

Exile, failure, the dread of erasure: Antonio Di Benedetto seems to have transmuted all his life experiences into his novel Zama, which has finally been translated into English.

Aug 23, 2016 / Ratik Asokan
