Political Ideologies

Trump and Putin Billboard

Pax Trumpanica? Pax Trumpanica?

He said that torture was OK.
 He’d bomb the bad guys off the map. He now sounds much less bellicose— A cuddly dog on Putin’s lap.

Dec 22, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Letters Icon

Letters From the January 16-23, 2017, Issue Letters From the January 16-23, 2017, Issue

Reading the future in the past… Onward?… Data matters… An old debate, renewed…

Dec 22, 2016 / Letters / Our Readers

Polanyi In Our Times

Polanyi In Our Times Polanyi In Our Times

What the Austro-Hungarian economic theorist tells us about the upheavals of our age.

Dec 22, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Nikil Saval

Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking!

Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking! Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking!

The debate over possible intervention in the election should be based on publicly disclosed evidence, not unverifiable, anonymous leaks.

Dec 21, 2016 / Editorial / The Nation

Vladimir Putin, 2014.

American Cold Warriors Want to Fight Russia, Not Terrorism American Cold Warriors Want to Fight Russia, Not Terrorism

As terrorists strike again, from Ankara and Berlin to Syria, the US political-media establishment is determined to disqualify Putin as a security partner for President-elect Trump.

Dec 21, 2016 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen

Pennsylvania Elector Protest

Thinking About Committing Civil Disobedience in the Age of Trump Thinking About Committing Civil Disobedience in the Age of Trump

For the first time in my life, this liberal technocrat is considering going to jail.

Dec 21, 2016 / Harold Pollack

James Mattis

Trump’s Cabinet Is a Coup Waiting to Happen Trump’s Cabinet Is a Coup Waiting to Happen

The president-elect’s main advisers are a clique of “warrior-generals” who may spell the end of the democratic experiment.

Dec 20, 2016 / William J. Astore

Trump and Ruzder

Sham Populism, Shameless Plutocracy Sham Populism, Shameless Plutocracy

Almost every legitimate function of the federal government could be subverted by Trump’s wrecking crew.

Dec 20, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The 2016 Progressive Honor Roll

The 2016 Progressive Honor Roll The 2016 Progressive Honor Roll

Yes, it’s been an awful year. But the untold story is that grassroots activists have actually frequently prevailed.

Dec 20, 2016 / Feature / John Nichols

Bernie BlackLivesMatter

What Is the Left Without Identity Politics? What Is the Left Without Identity Politics?

Four writers consider the question dividing the Democratic Party.

Dec 16, 2016 / That’s Debatable / Walter Benn Michaels, Charles W. Mills, Linda Hirshman, and Carla Murphy
