
Bernie Sanders George Mason

How Bernie Sanders Delivered the Most Progressive Platform in Democratic Party History How Bernie Sanders Delivered the Most Progressive Platform in Democratic Party History

I was a Sanders representative to the platform committee. Here’s what I saw.

Jul 12, 2016 / Heather Gautney

Bernie Sanders Rally

Should the Democratic Party Be Added to the Endangered-Species List? Should the Democratic Party Be Added to the Endangered-Species List?

The Bernie-Hillary face-off has exposed how far the party has drifted from its working-class base—and how angry that base still is at the betrayal.

Jul 12, 2016 / Naked Democracy / William Greider

Sanders in California

The Most Progressive Democratic Platform Ever The Most Progressive Democratic Platform Ever

The “political revolution” Sanders helped to build hasn’t been won yet, but there has been real progress.

Jul 12, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Bernie Sanders Is Really, Really Determined to Stop Trump

Bernie Sanders Is Really, Really Determined to Stop Trump Bernie Sanders Is Really, Really Determined to Stop Trump

The insurgent, who on Tuesday endorsed Hillary Clinton, has left no doubt about which side he is on when it comes to preventing a right-wing Republican presidency.

Jul 11, 2016 / John Nichols

Vote North Carolina

Democrats Unite on Voting Rights Democrats Unite on Voting Rights

The 2016 Democratic platform has the strongest language on voting rights in the party’s history.

Jul 11, 2016 / Ari Berman

Pramila Jayapal for Congress

Pramila Jayapal for Congress Pramila Jayapal for Congress

A smart organizer and a bold champion of progressive values, Jayapal will help transform Congress.

Jul 11, 2016 / no-paywall / The Editors

Oregon TPP protest

Democrats Toughen Trade Stance—but Reject Formal Opposition to the TPP Democrats Toughen Trade Stance—but Reject Formal Opposition to the TPP

By leaving the party’s position in doubt, Democrats have created an opening for Trump.

Jul 10, 2016 / John Nichols

Utah Farmer Loads Hay

Democrats Are Not Speaking Loudly Enough to Be Heard in Rural America Democrats Are Not Speaking Loudly Enough to Be Heard in Rural America

The party platform is not aggressive enough in reaching out to voters who could be won over.

Jul 8, 2016 / John Nichols

Hillary and Bernie Split Screen

When Should Bernie Sanders Endorse Hillary Clinton? Not Yet When Should Bernie Sanders Endorse Hillary Clinton? Not Yet

Sanders is extracting meaningful and necessary concessions from the party establishment.

Jul 6, 2016 / D.D. Guttenplan

Pro-Choice Supreme Court Celebrate

The Pro-Choice Movement Is Finally Winning! The Pro-Choice Movement Is Finally Winning!

A new generation of activists have started talking about abortion as a normal event in women’s lives—and that’s made a huge difference.

Jul 6, 2016 / Katha Pollitt
