
NDWA Rally Protester

What’s Next for the Domestic Workers Movement? What’s Next for the Domestic Workers Movement?

Five years after passing a breakthrough bill of rights, activists are building power and sharpening their legislative strategy.

Jul 13, 2015 / Ai-jen Poo and Andrea Cristina Mercado

Student reads test questions on laptop

Should Standardized Testing Be Part of a Civil-Rights Agenda? Should Standardized Testing Be Part of a Civil-Rights Agenda?

Lawmakers are overhauling No Child Left Behind, but even many Democrats are still committed to its driving philosophy.

Jul 10, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

BDS Movement

5 Reasons BDS Is Actually Working 5 Reasons BDS Is Actually Working

It’s a nonviolent, rights-based movement that represents the concerns of all Palestinian stakeholders—and the reasons for its existence are increasingly urgent.

Jul 9, 2015 / Yousef Munayyer

A fracking protest in Seneca Lake, New York

Meet the New York State Community That’s Standing Up to Big Energy Meet the New York State Community That’s Standing Up to Big Energy

The Crestwood corporation wants to build a massive fracking hub in Seneca Lake—but residents won't let that happen without a fight.

Jul 9, 2015 / Ellen Cantarow

Washington football team owner Dan Snyder

A Judge Just Ruled Against the Most Racist Name in Football A Judge Just Ruled Against the Most Racist Name in Football

The Washington football team's name is a dictionary-defined slur—and now the federal Patent and Trademark Office has been ordered to cancel its trademark registration.

Jul 8, 2015 / Dave Zirin

Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square

Did the Catholic Church Endorse Fossil-Fuel Divestment? Did the Catholic Church Endorse Fossil-Fuel Divestment?

The pope’s powerful encyclical on poverty and climate change is likely to transform the investment policies of religious institutions across America.

Jul 7, 2015 / Bob Massie

Popular Protests Are Spreading Across Central America, and Washington Is Getting Nervous

Popular Protests Are Spreading Across Central America, and Washington Is Getting Nervous Popular Protests Are Spreading Across Central America, and Washington Is Getting Nervous

As mass mobilizations sweep Guatemala and Honduras, the US prepares its usual response: Send in the military.

Jul 7, 2015 / Greg Grandin

Bernie Sanders: ‘I Applaud the People of Greece’

Bernie Sanders: ‘I Applaud the People of Greece’ Bernie Sanders: ‘I Applaud the People of Greece’

Bernie Sanders, Joe Stiglitz, and Dan Cantor on the necessity of voting “no” to austerity measures.

Jul 6, 2015 / John Nichols

Allegiant Labor Dispute

This Airline’s Scheduling System Is Making Its Pilots Exhausted This Airline’s Scheduling System Is Making Its Pilots Exhausted

Would you want to travel with a company whose scheduling system is leading to fatigue and burnout for the people flying your plane?

Jul 6, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Obama Overtime Pay

A Worker’s Take on the New Overtime Proposal A Worker’s Take on the New Overtime Proposal

Lifting the overtime threshold could give Lora McCrary an extra $15,000 a year to put towards retirement.

Jul 6, 2015 / Wendi C. Thomas
