

The LGBTQ History Behind ‘A League of Their Own’ The LGBTQ History Behind ‘A League of Their Own’

Writer Britni de la Cretaz stops by to talk about the queer history of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.

Jun 12, 2018 / Audio / Dave Zirin

Can Farming Save Puerto Rico’s Future?

Can Farming Save Puerto Rico’s Future? Can Farming Save Puerto Rico’s Future?

As climate change alters how and where food is grown, Puerto Rico’s agroecology brigades serve as a model for sustainable farming.

Jun 11, 2018 / Feature / Audrea Lim

Gay Protestors in Russia

Who Is Protecting LGBTQ Fans at the 2018 World Cup? Who Is Protecting LGBTQ Fans at the 2018 World Cup?

It doesn’t look like FIFA or the Russian state will act to halt anti-gay violence.

Jun 8, 2018 / Dave Zirin and Andrew Tan-Delli Cicchi

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) sign

Banned From Israel: A Q&A With Law Professor Katherine Franke Banned From Israel: A Q&A With Law Professor Katherine Franke

Franke was turned away at the Israeli border after appearing on an anonymous site targeting more than 2,000 critics of Israel.

Jun 8, 2018 / Q&A / Patricia J. Williams

Activists in Austin Have a Novel Plan to Tackle its Affordable-Housing Crisis

Activists in Austin Have a Novel Plan to Tackle its Affordable-Housing Crisis Activists in Austin Have a Novel Plan to Tackle its Affordable-Housing Crisis

Hint: It involves the passage of the largest affordable-housing bond in the city’s history, plus calls for cooperatives and community land trusts.

Jun 8, 2018 / Cities Rising / Jimmy Tobias

Cynthia Nixon for Governor

Cynthia Nixon for Governor Cynthia Nixon for Governor

New Yorkers deserve a true progressive champion.

Jun 6, 2018 / Editorial / The Nation

Malcolm Jenkins Eagles

Why Donald Trump Disinvited the Eagles From the White House Why Donald Trump Disinvited the Eagles From the White House

Much of the Eagles team was going to skip the White House visit in protest, so our president-child threw a tantrum.

Jun 5, 2018 / Dave Zirin

In San Juan, people leave shoes to represent the victims of Hurricane Maria.

Make Sure Everyone You Know Is Talking About Puerto Rico Make Sure Everyone You Know Is Talking About Puerto Rico

You can also demand justice for a trans woman who died in ICE custody and ask your representative in the House to vote to save net neutrality.

Jun 5, 2018 / no-paywall / NationAction

Muhammad Ali

What if Muhammad Ali Had Received a Draft Deferment? What if Muhammad Ali Had Received a Draft Deferment?

Writer Mike Pesca stops by to talk about his new book about the greatest “what-ifs” in sports history.

Jun 5, 2018 / Audio / Dave Zirin

The ‘Masterpiece Cakeshop’ Decision Is Not As Harmless as You Think

The ‘Masterpiece Cakeshop’ Decision Is Not As Harmless as You Think The ‘Masterpiece Cakeshop’ Decision Is Not As Harmless as You Think

Justice Kennedy’s narrow ruling could open the floodgates for other suits designed to chip away at LGBTQ rights.

Jun 4, 2018 / Editorial / Sarah Posner
