June 18, 1989: I.F. Stone Dies June 18, 1989: I.F. Stone Dies
“He combined the meat-and-potatoes moxie of a police reporter, the instinct for precision of a scholar, the question-phrasing skill of a Socrates...and the political philosophy of ...
Jun 18, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac
How Instagram Made Basketball Fans See Black Dads How Instagram Made Basketball Fans See Black Dads
Players are providing lasting examples of loving relationships with their children that debunk decades of racist narratives about their absence.
Jun 18, 2015 / Jamilah King
June 17, 1972: The Watergate Scandal Begins, as Nixon Campaign Associates Are Caught Breaking Into Democratic Headquarters June 17, 1972: The Watergate Scandal Begins, as Nixon Campaign Associates Are Caught Breaking Into Democratic Headquarters
“Whatever the motive for the ‘breaking and entering,’ it was not burglary, third rate or otherwise.”
Jun 17, 2015 / Richard Kreitner
Why Do Journalists Take Delusional Presidential Candidates So Seriously? Why Do Journalists Take Delusional Presidential Candidates So Seriously?
George Pataki’s campaign is a figment of his imagination. But that didn’t stop the press from covering it as if it were the real thing.
Jun 17, 2015 / Column / Eric Alterman
Is Gawker’s Unionization a Sign That Creative Workers Are Finally Realizing Their Worth? Is Gawker’s Unionization a Sign That Creative Workers Are Finally Realizing Their Worth?
Can web publishing’s freewheeling structure shake up received wisdom about wielding collective labor power?
Jun 16, 2015 / Michelle Chen
Why We Need to Take Sy Hersh’s bin Laden Bombshell Seriously Why We Need to Take Sy Hersh’s bin Laden Bombshell Seriously
The dean of American investigative journalism knows a thing or two about how to vet sources and separate fact from fiction.
May 20, 2015 / Bob Dreyfuss
News We Can’t Lose News We Can’t Lose
As prospects for traditional media decline, alternatives are emerging.
May 13, 2015 / Column / Eric Alterman
How NBC Knowingly Let Syria Rebels’ False War Propaganda Stand For Years How NBC Knowingly Let Syria Rebels’ False War Propaganda Stand For Years
Not correcting the story of Richard Engel’s kidnapping is worse than the Brian Williams scandal.
Apr 17, 2015 / Ali Gharib
How To Fix American Journalism How To Fix American Journalism
American journalism has lost its crusader instinct. Here’s how to get it back.
Mar 23, 2015 / Feature / Michael Massing
How I Got That Story How I Got That Story
“Stay to the end…and read everything”: Reporting the Iran/Contra scandal taught me everything I needed to know about covering Washington.
Mar 23, 2015 / Feature / David Corn