Greenhouse gases

Only a Global Green New Deal Can Save the Planet

Only a Global Green New Deal Can Save the Planet Only a Global Green New Deal Can Save the Planet

And Bernie Sanders has a plan for that.

Sep 17, 2019 / Covering Climate Now / Tom Athanasiou

United Nations climate change

Why Today’s UN Climate Action Summit Matters Why Today’s UN Climate Action Summit Matters

The media and climate activists must “name and shame” laggards, says the UN special envoy.

Sep 16, 2019 / Covering Climate Now / Mark Hertsgaard

Joe Biden 2020

Joe Biden Doesn’t Sound Very Serious About the Climate Crisis Joe Biden Doesn’t Sound Very Serious About the Climate Crisis

CNN’s climate change town hall was a good moment for activists—and a rough one for the Democratic front-runner.

Sep 5, 2019 / Zoë Carpenter

How Indigenous Mexicans Took on Big Energy and Won

How Indigenous Mexicans Took on Big Energy and Won How Indigenous Mexicans Took on Big Energy and Won

A natural gas pipeline was scheduled to go online in 2017, but TransCanada wasn’t counting on indigenous resistance.

Aug 12, 2019 / Martha Pskowski

Student Climate Strike

Europe’s Striking Climate Kids Show How to Defeat the Far Right Europe’s Striking Climate Kids Show How to Defeat the Far Right

Fighting climate change now polls as a top priority among European voters—while most far-right leaders are climate denialists.

May 20, 2019 / Paul Hockenos

The Media Are Complacent While the World Burns

The Media Are Complacent While the World Burns The Media Are Complacent While the World Burns

But there’s a brand-new playbook for journalists fighting for a 1.5°C world.

Apr 22, 2019 / Feature / Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope

Cuomo extends his

Why Won’t New York State Take Bold Action on Climate Change? Why Won’t New York State Take Bold Action on Climate Change?

With the federal government gridlocked, it’s time for states to act.

Apr 16, 2019 / Sean McElwee

Green New Deal

What ‘Living in Truth’ Looks Like in the Face of Climate Catastrophe What ‘Living in Truth’ Looks Like in the Face of Climate Catastrophe

Bill McKibben has shown us what it means to live within the truth of our struggle for human survival. Will a new generation find the courage to do the same?

Apr 11, 2019 / Wen Stephenson

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

The Eco-Police Are Coming for You! The Eco-Police Are Coming for You!

The Green New Dealers want your private property, and they’ll stop at nothing to get it!

Feb 19, 2019 / Tom Tomorrow

The Green New Deal Is Good for the Planet—and the Democratic Party

The Green New Deal Is Good for the Planet—and the Democratic Party The Green New Deal Is Good for the Planet—and the Democratic Party

Democrats can no longer get away with offering milquetoast solutions.

Dec 19, 2018 / Editorial / Mike Konczal
