Green New Deal

A hiker in Yosemite National Park

We Need a Civilian Conservation Corps We Need a Civilian Conservation Corps

We need knowledgeable, passionate stewards of our public lands, but most people can’t afford to pursue a career in conservation. So let’s create the jobs.

Feb 22, 2021 / Paul Gordon

Austin, Texas Storm

While Texans Freeze, Governor Greg Abbott Lies About the Green New Deal While Texans Freeze, Governor Greg Abbott Lies About the Green New Deal

Republican politicians try—and fail—to deflect blame with outrageous spin.

Feb 18, 2021 / John Nichols

How a Climate-Justice Champion Won Office in Rural, Working-Class Maine

How a Climate-Justice Champion Won Office in Rural, Working-Class Maine How a Climate-Justice Champion Won Office in Rural, Working-Class Maine

State Senator Chloe Maxmin, a progressive activist who unseated the GOP minority leader in November, talks about social-movement organizing.

Feb 16, 2021 / Conversations With ‘The Nation’ / Wen Stephenson

Come Dream With Me: Environmental Justice, Colorized, 2021

Come Dream With Me: Environmental Justice, Colorized, 2021 Come Dream With Me: Environmental Justice, Colorized, 2021

Because my generation’s dreams cannot be deferred or denied any longer.

Feb 12, 2021 / Nikayla Jefferson

Biden Should Establish an Office of Climate Mobilization

Biden Should Establish an Office of Climate Mobilization Biden Should Establish an Office of Climate Mobilization

He needs to act with the same urgency that inspired FDR to create the Office of War Mobilization during World War II.

Jan 4, 2021 / Biden's First 100 Days / Varshini Prakash

The Fall of Trump Propels the Climate Story Into a Decisive New Era

The Fall of Trump Propels the Climate Story Into a Decisive New Era The Fall of Trump Propels the Climate Story Into a Decisive New Era

Humanity dodged a bullet, but journalists need to explore why half of the electorate voted not to.

Nov 11, 2020 / Covering Climate Now / Mark Hertsgaard

2020 DC

Democratic Voters Want More Than the Status Quo Democratic Voters Want More Than the Status Quo

The 2020 election results reinforce the imperative of the left’s agenda.

Nov 11, 2020 / Robert L. Borosage

How Biden Could Use the Presidential Bully Pulpit to Drive Climate Action

How Biden Could Use the Presidential Bully Pulpit to Drive Climate Action How Biden Could Use the Presidential Bully Pulpit to Drive Climate Action

According to a Fox News exit poll on election night, 70 percent of voters support increased government spending on green and renewable energy.

Nov 10, 2020 / Jamie Henn

Progressives Are an Asset for the Democratic Party. It Should Treat Them That Way.

Progressives Are an Asset for the Democratic Party. It Should Treat Them That Way. Progressives Are an Asset for the Democratic Party. It Should Treat Them That Way.

Democratic progressives are not an isolated fringe—and their ideas are popular. The party should not run away from them.

Nov 10, 2020 / no-paywall / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Protesters hold a banner reading

Democrats Should Stop Worrying About Debating Climate Change Democrats Should Stop Worrying About Debating Climate Change

Creating millions of union jobs while building a clean energy economy is a winning argument the party should welcome rather than avoid.

Oct 15, 2020 / Letters / Karthik Ganapathy
