Varshini Prakash

Varshini Prakash (@VarshPrakash) is the executive director and cofounder of the Sunrise Movement, a member of the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force on Climate Change, and coauthor of Winning a Green New Deal: Why We Must, How We Can.

We Mobilized Young People to Support Biden. He’s Failing Us.

We Mobilized Young People to Support Biden. He’s Failing Us. We Mobilized Young People to Support Biden. He’s Failing Us.

Sunrise and United We Dream youth organizers trusted Biden and the Democrats to really get things done. They are failing to follow through on campaign promises.

Dec 22, 2021 / Varshini Prakash and Greisa Martínez Rosas

Biden Should Establish an Office of Climate Mobilization

Biden Should Establish an Office of Climate Mobilization Biden Should Establish an Office of Climate Mobilization

He needs to act with the same urgency that inspired FDR to create the Office of War Mobilization during World War II.

Jan 4, 2021 / Biden's First 100 Days / Varshini Prakash

Donald Trump Wants a Fight on the Green New Deal. So Do We.

Donald Trump Wants a Fight on the Green New Deal. So Do We. Donald Trump Wants a Fight on the Green New Deal. So Do We.

It’s not just the right thing to do. Climate action is a winning issue for Democrats—and a point of vulnerability for Trump.

Jul 24, 2020 / Varshini Prakash and John Podesta
