Free Teaching Guide

April 9, 2007

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  • Editorial

    Porn Cop vs. US Attorney

    A federal prosecutor fired as he was launching an investigation of a GOP Congressman now stands smeared by the White House and its antiporn crusader.

    Max Blumenthal

  • Sami Al-Arian

    Dr. Sami Al-Arian could die in jail.

    The Editors

  • The Loan Shark Lobby

    With Democrats in control of Congress, prospects for regulating subprime lenders have improved. But don’t hold your breath.

    Garrett Ordower

  • Looking Out for Veterans

    Progressive Congressman Bob Filner is pursuing an ambitious agenda to secure proper care for wounded warriors.

    Ari Berman

  • ACT UP at 20

    The audacious and visionary organization has been a beacon for gay/lesbian rights and healthcare reform.

    The Editors

  • Books & the Arts

    That’s the Way of the World

    Reviews of U-Carmen, Offside and Killer of Sheep, arguably one of the best films of 2007.

    Stuart Klawans

  • Goodbye, Baltimore

    In a kinetic and searching memoir, Ace of Spades, David Matthews confronts the identity questions that bedeviled him growing up biracial.

    Kate Levin

  • Mr. Dynamite Splits

    A poem in tribute to the passing of James Brown.

    Thomas Sayers Ellis

  • Veiled Intolerance

    A batch of new books describe how European governments have dealt with Muslim immigrants and citizens since 9/11.

    Richard Wolin

  • Esperando a Mills

    Recordamos la vida y el trabajo notable del sociólogo estadounidense quien a pesar de la fatiga de la Oficina Federal de Investigación se quedó muy dedicado a la revolución Cubana.

    Ricardo Alarcón

  • Waiting for C. Wright Mills

    Remembering the remarkable life and work of the American sociologist who, despite FBI harassment, remained engaged in the Cuban Revolution.

    Ricardo Alarcón
  • The stakes are higher now than ever. Get The Nation in your inbox.