
The Return of Daniel Ortega The Return of Daniel Ortega

Despite Daniel Ortega's many flaws, the return of the Sandinistas to power creates the possibility that his challenge to the "savage capitalism" of the previous regime can genuinel...

Nov 7, 2006 / Feature / Mark Engler

Beginning of the End Beginning of the End

The Iraq Study Group report comes too late for the 600,000 people who died in carnage that is likely to worsen. It won't satisfy the antiwar movement because it sets no timetable f...

Nov 7, 2006 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss

Questionable Verdict Questionable Verdict

Even the most naive American voter cannot be expected to see the morally, legally and politically questionable death sentence given to Saddam Hussein a milestone in the Bush Admin...

Nov 6, 2006 / Editorial / Richard Falk

Que Pasa en Oaxaca? Que Pasa en Oaxaca?

A virtual state of siege prevails in Oaxaca, where military police have occupied the central square, clearing barricades and detaining scores of activists.

Nov 4, 2006 / Feature / Michael McCaughan

The Case for Engagement The Case for Engagement

If US officials stopped their saber-rattling over Iran's nuclear ambitions and began to negotiate directly, they would have an eye-opening experience.

Nov 3, 2006 / Feature / Scott Ritter

The Baker Report, Leaked! The Baker Report, Leaked!

Stay the course? Cut and run? Cut the crap? What will former Secretary of State James A. Baker III propose after the midterm elections, when the bipartisan Iraq Study Group reveals...

Nov 2, 2006 / Editorial / Evan Eisenberg

What’s Left of Reform What’s Left of Reform

As Iran and the United States trade insults and America presses for Iranians to rise up, educators, students and women's rights groups may pay the greatest cost.

Nov 2, 2006 / Feature / Negar Azimi

War Criminals, Beware War Criminals, Beware

Human rights advocates are pressing German courts to prosecute Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales and other Bush Administration officials for war crimes. They just might succeed.

Nov 2, 2006 / Editorial / Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith

State of Denial State of Denial

By denying a noted Islamic religious scholar entry to the United States because of his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Bush Administration reveals its inability to deal with th...

Oct 27, 2006 / Feature / Stephen Glain

Capturing Compassion Capturing Compassion

Seeking to arouse America's compassion, five photojournalists have documented the suffering of terrorized refugees from Darfur in an exhibition that will travel to cities aroun...

Oct 27, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Suzanne Charlé
