World Leaders

Volodymyr Zelensky

Volodymyr Zelensky’s Landslide Victory in Ukraine May Become a Slippery Slope Volodymyr Zelensky’s Landslide Victory in Ukraine May Become a Slippery Slope

The new president must heal enormous social distrust if he doesn’t want to go the way of the previous administration.

Jul 25, 2019 / Nicolai N. Petro

Ukrainian flag

Peace in Ukraine? Peace in Ukraine?

The friends and foes of a Kiev-Moscow settlement.

Jul 24, 2019 / Stephen F. Cohen

Ahmadinejad peace sign

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Bizarre Bid for Political Relevance Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Bizarre Bid for Political Relevance

Iran’s ex-president wants to rebrand himself as an advocate for global freedom and democracy. It’s not working.

Jul 22, 2019 / Samuel Thrope

Who’s Afraid of William Barr?

Who’s Afraid of William Barr? Who’s Afraid of William Barr?

Liberals and other Democrats seem to want to cover up the CIA’s role in Russiagate.

Jul 17, 2019 / Stephen F. Cohen

US Marine Afghanistan

The Transpartisan Revolt Against America’s Endless Wars The Transpartisan Revolt Against America’s Endless Wars

It’s one of the few areas where a left-right coalition can jell.

Jul 16, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel


Can Iran’s Shrewd Diplomacy Avert War With Washington? Can Iran’s Shrewd Diplomacy Avert War With Washington?

White House bullying and sanctions have succeeded in uniting an otherwise divided Iranian public behind the government.

Jul 11, 2019 / Roxane Farmanfarmaian

Protesters in Hong Kong

The American Left Is Failing Hong Kong The American Left Is Failing Hong Kong

Why is Marco Rubio doing more than the Democratic Party to support the people of Hong Kong?

Jul 10, 2019 / Rosemarie Ho

Trump Shame Shutdown

Trump Is Accelerating America’s Decline Trump Is Accelerating America’s Decline

Global confidence in the US has fallen under the current administration, amid an expanding Chinese-Russian alliance.

Jul 2, 2019 / Dilip Hiro


Trump Will Stumble Into War Against Iran—Unless We Stop Him Trump Will Stumble Into War Against Iran—Unless We Stop Him

Powerful administration hawks are baying for blood, which is why we need mass protests to prevent yet another catastrophic Middle East war.

Jun 28, 2019 / Editorial / Michael T. Klare

Mike Pompeo Iran

As Trump Lays Out a War Pretext, the Media Misses the Context As Trump Lays Out a War Pretext, the Media Misses the Context

The only threat Iran poses to the US is in retaliation to Trump’s attacks.

Jun 27, 2019 / Column / Eric Alterman
