Social Justice

An elderly woman in a wheelchair is rescued from the flood waters of tropical storm Harvey in east Houston, Texas, U.S., August 28, 2017.

Support People With Disabilities Facing Harvey Support People With Disabilities Facing Harvey

You can also take action to defend DACA and join a march to confront white supremacy.

Aug 29, 2017 / no-paywall / NationAction

Activists pose after a Confederate statue is toppled in Durham, NC.

The Activists Who Took Down the Confederate Statue in Durham Still Need Our Help. Here’s What You Can Do The Activists Who Took Down the Confederate Statue in Durham Still Need Our Help. Here’s What You Can Do

Activists from the viral video are facing felony charges. 

Aug 25, 2017 / no-paywall / Elizabeth Adetiba

When Salvador Allende Told Us Happiness Is a Human Right

When Salvador Allende Told Us Happiness Is a Human Right When Salvador Allende Told Us Happiness Is a Human Right

Now, for the first time, an adviser recalls a remarkable 1971 conversation with Chile’s socialist leader.

Aug 25, 2017 / Feature / Luis Sepúlveda

Trump Racist Protest

Our Bigot in Chief Has Shown His True Colors Our Bigot in Chief Has Shown His True Colors

After Charlottesville, we must resist this man with every fiber of our being.​

Aug 23, 2017 / Editorial / Sasha Abramsky

Schumer DC

Democrats Are Starting a Fierce Internal Debate. Finally. Democrats Are Starting a Fierce Internal Debate. Finally.

The party establishment won’t change on its own, and Democratic leaders won’t see the light unless they feel the heat.

Aug 22, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Afghan dust

Take Away Trump’s Blank Check for Endless War Take Away Trump’s Blank Check for Endless War

You can also write a letter to the editor to demand the removal of Confederate statues, and join a campaign to take economic power from Wall Street and give it back to communities.

Aug 22, 2017 / no-paywall / NationAction

Durham Residents Turned Out En Masse to Counter White Supremacists

Durham Residents Turned Out En Masse to Counter White Supremacists Durham Residents Turned Out En Masse to Counter White Supremacists

The fear was that Klansmen would come to replicate the violence that had just racked Charlottesville.

Aug 21, 2017 / Barry Yeoman

Antifa Chalottesville

Not Rights but Justice: It’s Time to Make Nazis Afraid Again Not Rights but Justice: It’s Time to Make Nazis Afraid Again

The history of anti-fascism is not one of asking; it’s one of direct confrontation.

Aug 16, 2017 / Natasha Lennard

Heather Heyer Protest

Can Jeff Sessions Provide Justice for Heather Heyer? Can Jeff Sessions Provide Justice for Heather Heyer?

Sessions’s perverted sense of justice continues to undermine civil rights, not protect them.

Aug 15, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The badge of a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer.

The Deportation of Teen Soccer Star Lizandro Claros The Deportation of Teen Soccer Star Lizandro Claros

Feeling the effects of the Trump era, from youth sports to the pros.

Aug 15, 2017 / Audio / Dave Zirin
