Regions and Countries

Inter-Korean Summit

South and North Korea Prepare to Discuss an End to the Korean War South and North Korea Prepare to Discuss an End to the Korean War

But Washington’s pundit class seems united against a peace process.

Apr 25, 2018 / Tim Shorrock

Erdogan’s Revenge and the Kurdish Dilemma

Erdogan’s Revenge and the Kurdish Dilemma Erdogan’s Revenge and the Kurdish Dilemma

After 4,000 years of continuous habitation, there is no Kurdish presence left in Afrin.

Apr 25, 2018 / Maurice Glasman

John Bolton at a cabinet meeting with Donald Trump

Trump Is Discarding Laws and Assembling a War Cabinet. What Could Go Wrong? Trump Is Discarding Laws and Assembling a War Cabinet. What Could Go Wrong?

Congress needs to immediately check an out-of-control president.

Apr 23, 2018 / Robert L. Borosage

Chile Women’s Soccer Team

How a Feminist Uprising Is Saving South American Soccer How a Feminist Uprising Is Saving South American Soccer

Speaking to Brenda Elsey, who is in Buenos Aires, covering the sports and politics story that demands more attention.

Apr 20, 2018 / Dave Zirin

Castro Diaz Canel

Cubans Face the End of the Castro Era Cubans Face the End of the Castro Era

As Raúl steps aside, the country faces transition and transformation.

Apr 20, 2018 / Peter Kornbluh

Michael Cohen

What the FBI Raid on Michael Cohen Means for the Russia Investigation What the FBI Raid on Michael Cohen Means for the Russia Investigation

It’s not just about payoffs to a porn star and a Playboy bunny.

Apr 19, 2018 / Bob Dreyfuss

Midia Ninja

Lula May Be in Jail, but Brazil’s Occupy Movement Won’t Let Hope Die Lula May Be in Jail, but Brazil’s Occupy Movement Won’t Let Hope Die

The Curitiba camp has become ground zero for a left that has been fighting an uphill battle since before the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff.

Apr 19, 2018 / Michael Fox

Gustavo Petro Colombian presidential candidate

Gustavo Petro quiere establecer un nuevo progresismo en Latinoamérica Gustavo Petro quiere establecer un nuevo progresismo en Latinoamérica

En entrevista con The Nation, el ex-alcalde de Bogotá habla sobre lo que significaría su elección para Colombia y la región. 

Apr 19, 2018 / En español / Miguel Salazar

Palestinian kids

‘The Forced Displacement of Palestinians Never Truly Ended’ ‘The Forced Displacement of Palestinians Never Truly Ended’

As Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary, a child and grandchild of exiled Palestinian reflects on the Nakba.

Apr 19, 2018 / George Bisharat

Red Square in Moscow

‘Russiagate’ Allegations Continue to Escalate the Danger of War With Russia ‘Russiagate’ Allegations Continue to Escalate the Danger of War With Russia

Incessant Kremlin-baiting of President Trump is risking a Cuban missile–like crisis that he, unlike JFK in 1962, may not be permitted to resolve peacefully.

Apr 18, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen
