Regions and Countries

Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party?

Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party? Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party?

The US military attack on the Syrian army gravely endangers Obama’s proposed détente with Putin in Syria and elsewhere.

Sep 21, 2016 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen

Orlando Letelier Was a True Patriot

Orlando Letelier Was a True Patriot Orlando Letelier Was a True Patriot

Even from exile, he continued to fight for his fellow Chileans.

Sep 21, 2016 / Feature / Susan George

The ‘Chicago Boys’ in Chile: Economic Freedom’s Awful Toll

The ‘Chicago Boys’ in Chile: Economic Freedom’s Awful Toll The ‘Chicago Boys’ in Chile: Economic Freedom’s Awful Toll

Repression for the majorities and “economic freedom” for small privileged groups are two sides of the same coin.

Sep 21, 2016 / Feature / Orlando Letelier

40 Years Ago, This Chilean Exile Warned Us About the Shock Doctrine. Then He Was Assassinated.

40 Years Ago, This Chilean Exile Warned Us About the Shock Doctrine. Then He Was Assassinated. 40 Years Ago, This Chilean Exile Warned Us About the Shock Doctrine. Then He Was Assassinated.

Orlando Letelier’s 1976 Nation essay is still essential reading.

Sep 21, 2016 / Feature / Naomi Klein

Washington Knew Pinochet Ordered an Act of Terrorism on US Soil—but Did Nothing About It

Washington Knew Pinochet Ordered an Act of Terrorism on US Soil—but Did Nothing About It Washington Knew Pinochet Ordered an Act of Terrorism on US Soil—but Did Nothing About It

Obama now has an opportunity to commemorate his victims by releasing the still-secret documents that hold the Chilean dictator accountable.

Sep 21, 2016 / Feature / Peter Kornbluh

Anti-Marxist protest in Chile 1973

How Middle-Class Chileans Contributed to the Overthrow of Salvador Allende How Middle-Class Chileans Contributed to the Overthrow of Salvador Allende

American intervention was one factor leading to the Chilean coup—but unrest on the part of middle-class Chileans was another.

Sep 21, 2016 / Walden Bello

Ban Ki-moon

Ban Ki-moon Reflects on the Successes and Frustrations of His 10 Years as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Reflects on the Successes and Frustrations of His 10 Years as UN Secretary General

In his decade in office, Ban never overcame his aloof image. But in many ways he modernized the United Nations, and pushed it to confront its deepest challenges.

Sep 20, 2016 / Barbara Crossette

The Syrian Truce and Obama’s Exit Strategy

The Syrian Truce and Obama’s Exit Strategy The Syrian Truce and Obama’s Exit Strategy

Without an agreement for Assad to step down and allow a transition toward a pluralist government, no cease-fire stands a chance.

Sep 19, 2016 / Gilbert Achcar

Libya rebel soldier

The UK’s Devastating New Report on NATO’s Regime-Change War in Libya The UK’s Devastating New Report on NATO’s Regime-Change War in Libya

The report is a convincing indictment of the UK’s civilian and military leadership in 2011—and our own.

Sep 19, 2016 / James Carden

Grand Central National Guard

Dear Daughter: I’m Sorry for Helping Create the Post-9/11 World You Have to Grow Up In Dear Daughter: I’m Sorry for Helping Create the Post-9/11 World You Have to Grow Up In

Sending your child off to college is hard enough without the constant fear of terror that looms over us.

Sep 19, 2016 / Peter Van Buren
