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Letters From the May 22/29, 2017, Issue Letters From the May 22/29, 2017, Issue

Schlesinger and Navasky on McCarthyism… Pollitt, Navasky, Grandin, and Lawrence on ‘Russiagate’…

May 4, 2017 / Letters / Our Readers, Victor Navasky, Patrick Lawrence, Greg Grandin, and Katha Pollitt

The Election Could Give Theresa May a Mandate. It Won’t Give Her a Clue.

The Election Could Give Theresa May a Mandate. It Won’t Give Her a Clue. The Election Could Give Theresa May a Mandate. It Won’t Give Her a Clue.

There’s no such thing as a successful Brexit, only degrees of bad.

May 4, 2017 / Beneath the Radar / Gary Younge

Putin 2016

Again, Is the Possibility of a Trump-Putin Détente Really Dead? Again, Is the Possibility of a Trump-Putin Détente Really Dead?

“Kremlingate” is said to have killed any prospect for Trump administration cooperation with Putin’s Kremlin, but the May 2 phone talk between the two leaders showed it is still ali...

May 3, 2017 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen

What Is to Be Done in Venezuela?

What Is to Be Done in Venezuela? What Is to Be Done in Venezuela?

An ad-hoc Committee to Save Venezuela offers observations and recommendations that differ from those found in our missionary mainstream media.

May 1, 2017 / Greg Grandin

Trump's Amended Travel Ban

The Chilling of Middle Eastern Studies The Chilling of Middle Eastern Studies

Whether or not Trump’s Muslim ban comes to fruition, the rhetoric around the ban is having widespread consequences on academic exploration at exactly the time it’s needed most.

May 1, 2017 / StudentNation / Mariam Elba

Anti-government protests in Turkey after the referendum

After Turkey’s Referendum, the Clampdown Continues—but Activists Pledge Resistance After Turkey’s Referendum, the Clampdown Continues—but Activists Pledge Resistance

“We do not consider these results legitimate and we don’t accept them,” says one opposition leader.

Apr 28, 2017 / Jesse Rosenfeld

north korea marines

Donald Trump Has Zero Legal Authority to Order Military Action Against North Korea Donald Trump Has Zero Legal Authority to Order Military Action Against North Korea

Without congressional authorization, military action would “clearly and unequivocally be illegal and unconstitutional,” says Congressman Jerrold Nadler.

Apr 28, 2017 / John Nichols

Theresa May United Kingdom

The Martian’s Guide to British Politics, or: Is There Intelligent Life on This Island? The Martian’s Guide to British Politics, or: Is There Intelligent Life on This Island?

It looks like the belligerent, self-serving martinets are going to trounce the quiet, bedraggled lot on the other side.

Apr 28, 2017 / Maria Margaronis

YPG and US military

Is Turkey’s War on Syrian Kurds Becoming a War on the United States? Is Turkey’s War on Syrian Kurds Becoming a War on the United States?

President Erdogan seems to believe he can bully Trump into abandoning his allies in the fight against ISIS.

Apr 28, 2017 / Juan Cole

Protestors at the capitol building in Puerto Rico

Students Are Now Leading the Resistance to Austerity in Puerto Rico Students Are Now Leading the Resistance to Austerity in Puerto Rico

Some $40 billion of the island’s debt could be illegal—so why is the government shutting down the audit commission?

Apr 27, 2017 / StudentNation / Ed Morales
