
Microsoft’s Fatal Error Microsoft’s Fatal Error

Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson's factual findings in United States v. Microsoft, released November 5, spell the doom of Microsoft as we have known it.

Nov 11, 1999 / Eben Moglen

The New Global Media The New Global Media

This article is adapted from Robert W. McChesney's Rich Media, Poor Democracy (Illinois). Three charts accompany this article: "Global Media Moguls," "Who Owns the Movies?" and "Wh...

Nov 11, 1999 / Feature / Robert W. McChesney

Emperor of the Air Emperor of the Air

If you combined the political roles of Republican front-runner George W.

Nov 11, 1999 / Feature / Alexander Stille

The Cable Guise The Cable Guise

Ten years ago, as Hungary was roiling with democratic protests, the country had two television channels, both controlled by the state.

Nov 11, 1999 / Feature / Mark Schapiro

The Seven-Year (Old) Snitch The Seven-Year (Old) Snitch

Woe unto the denizens of the Washington press corps when the rest of the world discovers Bob Somerby's Web site, The Daily Howler (

Nov 4, 1999 / Column / Eric Alterman

Fashion Statements Fashion Statements

October is here, and once again it's time for post-season playoffs, foliage and fashion magazines thicker than the Old Testament with seasonal guidance for the young and voguish.

Oct 21, 1999 / Column / Eric Alterman

Bertelsmann’s Revisionist Bertelsmann’s Revisionist

The Investigative Fund of The Nation Institute provided research assistance.

Oct 21, 1999 / John S. Friedman and Hersch Fischler

Thurow’s Infonomics Thurow’s Infonomics

We are entering, techno-boosters breathlessly proclaim, a "third industrial revolution," that of the "knowledge-based" or "new" economy.

Oct 14, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Robert J. Crawford

Navigating The Atlantic Navigating The Atlantic

Michael Kelly said all the right things upon being appointed to head the 142-year-old beacon of American letters, The Atlantic Monthly.

Oct 7, 1999 / Column / Eric Alterman

A Euro Without a Europe A Euro Without a Europe

"The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting," writes Milan Kundera in The Book of Laughter and Forgetting. But in the US media today, nothing ...

Sep 23, 1999 / Column / Eric Alterman
