Foreign Policy


Will President-Elect Trump End the New Cold War? Will President-Elect Trump End the New Cold War?

Whatever Americans think of the next president’s other policies, exceedingly dangerous US-Russian conflicts have become the greatest threat to American and international security.

Nov 16, 2016 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen

Trump in Israel

How Will Israel Fare in the Trump Era? How Will Israel Fare in the Trump Era?

We may see the death knell of the two-state solution—and that’s where Netanyahu’s headache begins.

Nov 15, 2016 / Dimi Reider

Campaign 2016 Trump

Trump’s Foreign Policy: So Much for Alliances Trump’s Foreign Policy: So Much for Alliances

It’s “America first,” at every turn, no matter who suffers in the process.

Nov 15, 2016 / Michael T. Klare

Marines in Afghanistan

What Can We Expect From Donald Trump, US Commander in Chief? What Can We Expect From Donald Trump, US Commander in Chief?

We have no idea, but intending to “bomb the shit out of” ISIS isn’t a good sign.

Nov 15, 2016 / Nick Turse

Hagel speaks with Afghanistan troops

American History Explains Donald Trump American History Explains Donald Trump

 After so many years of creating chaos abroad, it’s finally come back to haunt us.

Nov 14, 2016 / Tom Engelhardt

Snowden film

The Disillusionment of ‘Snowden’ The Disillusionment of ‘Snowden’

Oliver Stone has told the story of a man’s painful awakening from ignorance over and over again.

Nov 12, 2016 / Richard Beck

Stephen Cohen

Stephen F. Cohen: ‘Above All, We Need Debate’ on Russia Stephen F. Cohen: ‘Above All, We Need Debate’ on Russia

Post-election, challenging the media’s dangerous orthodox consensus on Russia is more urgent than ever. 

Nov 11, 2016 / Video / Stephen F. Cohen

NATO Defense Meeting

Will Trump Break the Post–Cold War Order? Will Trump Break the Post–Cold War Order?

Much will depend on whom he surrounds himself with. But at least he’s put the question on the table.

Nov 11, 2016 / Patrick Lawrence

Donald Trump Iran

How Will Trump Reshape the Middle East? How Will Trump Reshape the Middle East?

If he follows through on his erratic statements, he could manage to alienate Russia, the Gulf monarchies, the EU, and Iran.

Nov 10, 2016 / Juan Cole

This Trade Deal Would Make It a Whole Lot Harder to Fight Climate Change

This Trade Deal Would Make It a Whole Lot Harder to Fight Climate Change This Trade Deal Would Make It a Whole Lot Harder to Fight Climate Change

If the Trade in Services Agreement passes, individual countries wouldn’t be able to prioritize building a clean-energy infrastructure over fossil fuels.

Nov 10, 2016 / Michelle Chen
