Environmental Activism

Author Richard Powers poses for a portrait

Richard Powers on the Standing of Trees Richard Powers on the Standing of Trees

The author of The Overstory hikes through the Great Smoky Mountains  and discusses giving personhood to nonhumans.

Feb 17, 2020 / Zoë Carpenter

Climate Is on the Ballot in New Hampshire

Climate Is on the Ballot in New Hampshire Climate Is on the Ballot in New Hampshire

The Sunrise Movement and other groups have demanded that climate be a top issue, and Democrats like Sanders, Warren, and Steyer are responding.

Feb 11, 2020 / John Nichols

Sanders Surged in Iowa on a Wave of New Voters

Sanders Surged in Iowa on a Wave of New Voters Sanders Surged in Iowa on a Wave of New Voters

Sanders closed the gap with votes from college campuses, mosques, and union halls, where newly organized and energized voters had his back.

Feb 7, 2020 / John Nichols

Voices From the Front Lines of a Climate Direct Action Campaign

Voices From the Front Lines of a Climate Direct Action Campaign Voices From the Front Lines of a Climate Direct Action Campaign

“We are removing our consent from this system, and we are not asking for anyone’s permission.”

Feb 7, 2020 / Feature / Wen Stephenson

Arielle Angel

Newish and Jewish: An Interview With ‘Currents’ Editor Arielle Angel Newish and Jewish: An Interview With ‘Currents’ Editor Arielle Angel

How a revitalized magazine with its roots in American communism captured the Jewish left.

Feb 6, 2020 / Q&A / Sarah M. Seltzer

Australia Fires

The Australian Fires Are a Prelude to Our Climate Suffering The Australian Fires Are a Prelude to Our Climate Suffering

The fires could just be the beginning in a slow-motion climate reckoning of rising sea levels, unprecedented storms, and hellish heat waves.

Jan 28, 2020 / Tom Engelhardt

The Australian Open Is the Tip of a Melting Iceberg

The Australian Open Is the Tip of a Melting Iceberg The Australian Open Is the Tip of a Melting Iceberg

All outdoor sports will be profoundly affected by our heating climate. Will the sports world do anything or just let it burn?

Jan 17, 2020 / Dave Zirin

Harvard v Yale Football Protest

Want the Youth Vote? Support Fossil Fuel Divestment Want the Youth Vote? Support Fossil Fuel Divestment

For young people, surface-level regulations aren’t enough. They’re demanding a fundamental shift in how we think about markets and morals.

Jan 16, 2020 / StudentNation / Ilana Cohen and Connor Chung

The Climate Movement Is Gaining Momentum in Spite of Trump

The Climate Movement Is Gaining Momentum in Spite of Trump The Climate Movement Is Gaining Momentum in Spite of Trump

The Trump administration cannot suppress the will of millions of people driving for the large structural change needed to save our species.

Dec 24, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

‘This Is an Emergency,’ the Caller Said. ‘You Need to Stop the Train.’

‘This Is an Emergency,’ the Caller Said. ‘You Need to Stop the Train.’ ‘This Is an Emergency,’ the Caller Said. ‘You Need to Stop the Train.’

Climate justice protesters blockaded train tracks in Massachusetts this week. Despite an emergency call and other warnings, the train kept coming.

Dec 20, 2019 / Wen Stephenson
