
Why Bernie Sanders Should Embrace European Models of Democratic Socialism

Why Bernie Sanders Should Embrace European Models of Democratic Socialism Why Bernie Sanders Should Embrace European Models of Democratic Socialism

American radicalism can’t be confined within US borders.

Dec 4, 2015 / Leon Fink

Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg, seen with their newborn daughter, Max, have transferred the majority of the family's Facebook stock options to a foundation the two control.

Here’s How the Left Should Think About the Chan-Zuckerberg Announcement Here’s How the Left Should Think About the Chan-Zuckerberg Announcement

Could the Facebook family change the status quo of Silicon Valley philanthropy?

Dec 3, 2015 / Amy Schiller

Naomi Klein: Breaking the Back of Our Carbon Economy

Naomi Klein: Breaking the Back of Our Carbon Economy Naomi Klein: Breaking the Back of Our Carbon Economy

What should an economy that doesn’t rely on fossil fuels actually look like?

Dec 3, 2015 / Video / Naomi Klein

20 People Now Own As Much Wealth as Half of All Americans

20 People Now Own As Much Wealth as Half of All Americans 20 People Now Own As Much Wealth as Half of All Americans

The US is caught in a vicious cycle, with rising political inequality driving an ever-rising concentration of wealth at the top.

Dec 3, 2015 / Joshua Holland

Start Making Sense: Naomi Klein on the Necessity of the Climate Protests in Paris

Start Making Sense: Naomi Klein on the Necessity of the Climate Protests in Paris Start Making Sense: Naomi Klein on the Necessity of the Climate Protests in Paris

On this week’s podcast, Naomi Klein on the Shock Doctrine and the Paris climate protests, Katha Pollitt on Europe’s refugee crisis, Eric Foner on Woodrow Wilson’s racism, and Joan ...

Dec 3, 2015 / Audio / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

Sylvester Stallone (left) as Rocky Balboa and Michael B. Jordan as Adonis Johnson in Creed.

Rocky Without Reaganism Rocky Without Reaganism

Creed offers a surprisingly daring depiction of the Rocky universe as seen from the other side of the tracks.

Dec 3, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans

Democratic presidential candidate Sanders greets students after a town hall meeting with students at George Mason University in Fairfax

Bernie Sanders’s ‘College for All’ Plan Is Fair, Smart and Achievable Bernie Sanders’s ‘College for All’ Plan Is Fair, Smart and Achievable

Of all the candidates, only Sanders proposes an alternative to the neoliberal model of higher ed.

Dec 2, 2015 / Heather Gautney and Adolph Reed Jr.

Myanmar nationals hold up their passports outside the embassy of Myanmar in Singapore

Flattened for a Price Flattened for a Price

In her new book The Cosmopolites, Atossa Araxia Abrahamian explores the evolution of citizenship and the rise of a new form of statelessness.

Dec 2, 2015 / Fatima Bhutto

How Debt Collectors Ruin Lives

How Debt Collectors Ruin Lives How Debt Collectors Ruin Lives

They can dock your pay and ruin your credit—and the industry has only grown in recent years.

Dec 2, 2015 / Michelle Chen

December 2, 2001: Enron Files for Bankruptcy

December 2, 2001: Enron Files for Bankruptcy December 2, 2001: Enron Files for Bankruptcy

“Nobody ever said capitalism was pretty.”

Dec 2, 2015 / 150th Anniversary / Richard Kreitner
