
New Yorkers Surge Into the Streets, Demanding Justice for Eric Garner

New Yorkers Surge Into the Streets, Demanding Justice for Eric Garner New Yorkers Surge Into the Streets, Demanding Justice for Eric Garner

After a grand jury fails to indict the officer who killed the father of six, the movement for police accountability continues to grow.

Dec 4, 2014 / Aaron Miguel Cantú

‘This Is Not a Protest—It Is an Uprising’

‘This Is Not a Protest—It Is an Uprising’ ‘This Is Not a Protest—It Is an Uprising’

Demonstrations have occurred in more than 150 cities across the US in the week since a grand jury declined to indict Darren Wilson, the police officer who killed Michael Brown.

Dec 3, 2014 / Blog / Zoë Carpenter

Black Friday Rage, From Ferguson to Walmart

Black Friday Rage, From Ferguson to Walmart Black Friday Rage, From Ferguson to Walmart

On Black Friday, protesters across movements came together with a common demand: spend not one dime.

Dec 1, 2014 / Blog / Michelle Chen

The CIA’s Student-Activism Phase

The CIA’s Student-Activism Phase The CIA’s Student-Activism Phase

In the 1960s, the agency sought to fight Communism through the students’ rights movement. There’s little reason to think its tactics have changed.

Nov 26, 2014 / Tom Hayden

Why Living-Wage Laws Are Not Enough—and Minimum-Wage Laws Aren’t Either

Why Living-Wage Laws Are Not Enough—and Minimum-Wage Laws Aren’t Either Why Living-Wage Laws Are Not Enough—and Minimum-Wage Laws Aren’t Either

Twenty years after the first living-wage law was passed in Baltimore, the campaign’s lead organizer warns that the model has been watered down.

Nov 25, 2014 / Jonathan Lange

What ‘Free Trade’ Has Done to Central America

What ‘Free Trade’ Has Done to Central America What ‘Free Trade’ Has Done to Central America

Warnings about the human and environmental costs went unheeded. Now the most vulnerable Central Americans are paying the price.

Nov 24, 2014 / Foreign Policy In Focus / Manuel Pérez-Rocha, Julia Paley, and Foreign Policy In Focus

Fifteen Millennial Movements Taking Off This Week

Fifteen Millennial Movements Taking Off This Week Fifteen Millennial Movements Taking Off This Week

From New York to Ferguson to Santa Cruz, a generation rises.

Nov 24, 2014 / StudentNation / StudentNation

In Ferguson, a Militarized Police Force Isn’t Necessary for Suppression

In Ferguson, a Militarized Police Force Isn’t Necessary for Suppression In Ferguson, a Militarized Police Force Isn’t Necessary for Suppression

And still, the will to protest has not died.

Nov 21, 2014 / Blog / Mychal Denzel Smith

When It Comes to Race, the Famous Dutch ‘Tolerance’ Runs Out

When It Comes to Race, the Famous Dutch ‘Tolerance’ Runs Out When It Comes to Race, the Famous Dutch ‘Tolerance’ Runs Out

Hundreds of white Dutch dress up in blackface to celebrate the nation’s treasured “Sinterklaas” holiday. A growing movement says it’s time for that to chang...

Nov 21, 2014 / Heather Beasley Doyle

What Does it Take for One Small City to Vanquish an Oil Giant?

What Does it Take for One Small City to Vanquish an Oil Giant? What Does it Take for One Small City to Vanquish an Oil Giant?

Progressives in Richmond, California, trounced Chevron on Election Day, but the company remains a powerful local force.

Nov 21, 2014 / Cities Rising / Harriet Blair Rowan and Jimmy Tobias
