
What Janet Yellen Can Do at Treasury

What Janet Yellen Can Do at Treasury What Janet Yellen Can Do at Treasury

After the ravages of the pandemic, the American economy needs more than stabilizing—it needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. Will Yellen be up to the task?

Mar 24, 2021 / Feature / Joan Walsh

Is a Tax on ‘Ultra-Millionaires’ the Answer to Massive Inequality?

Is a Tax on ‘Ultra-Millionaires’ the Answer to Massive Inequality? Is a Tax on ‘Ultra-Millionaires’ the Answer to Massive Inequality?

The ultra-rich have gotten even richer since the pandemic began. Elizabeth Warren says her wealth tax can combat rising inequality.

Mar 4, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Letters Icon

Letters From the March 8/15, 2021, Issue Letters From the March 8/15, 2021, Issue

The meaning of masks… Post officers?… Rightward tilt… The days ahead… Voters strike back…

Feb 23, 2021 / Letters / Our Readers

The Case for Blue-State Secession

The Case for Blue-State Secession The Case for Blue-State Secession

It’s the only way to ensure democracy and equal justice, not just for blue-state residents but for citizens in all 50 states.

Feb 10, 2021 / Feature / Nathan Newman

Letters Icon

Letters From the January 25/February 1, 2021, Issue Letters From the January 25/February 1, 2021, Issue

Better to tax… Nuclear options… Power gridlock… An ailing system… The progressive future…

Jan 12, 2021 / Letters / Our Readers

John Locke and America’s Cult of Private Property

John Locke and America’s Cult of Private Property John Locke and America’s Cult of Private Property

Californians both voted to protect their private property rights and for Biden by a nearly two-to-one margin. How do those two things square?

Dec 24, 2020 / Rachael Scarborough King

Gascón stands, wearing a mask, in front of a large projected slide with a picture of himself that reads

California Chooses Criminal Justice Reform California Chooses Criminal Justice Reform

Results are not final, and some are not progressive, but Golden State voters continue to turn away from the tough-on-crime course set in the 1990s.

Nov 4, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, July 13, 2017

Sherrod Brown: Covid Shows How Corporate ‘Free Trade’ Policies Threaten Public Health Sherrod Brown: Covid Shows How Corporate ‘Free Trade’ Policies Threaten Public Health

The Ohio senator proposes a radically different approach to trade policy. It starts with the word “public.”

Oct 29, 2020 / Back Page / John Nichols

‘Middle-Class Joe’ Doesn’t Understand the Middle Class

‘Middle-Class Joe’ Doesn’t Understand the Middle Class ‘Middle-Class Joe’ Doesn’t Understand the Middle Class

Joe Biden has a preposterous definition of the middle class that as president would hamper his ability to enact smart policies.

Oct 5, 2020 / Editorial / Bryce Covert

Joe Biden Should Propose a $750 Tax Credit Tonight—Then Drop the Mic

Joe Biden Should Propose a $750 Tax Credit Tonight—Then Drop the Mic Joe Biden Should Propose a $750 Tax Credit Tonight—Then Drop the Mic

Tonight’s debate gives the Democrat a chance to make Trump’s tax avoidance the Republican’s albatross.

Sep 29, 2020 / John Nichols
