
Trump Navy

Trump Is Right to Want to Stop Our Endless Wars, but He’s the Wrong Person to Do It Trump Is Right to Want to Stop Our Endless Wars, but He’s the Wrong Person to Do It

It’ll take a president with more determination and consistency to put an end to our global crusade.

Nov 5, 2019 / Andrew J. Bacevich

Trump’s Kurdish Betrayal Gives Peace a Bad Name

Trump’s Kurdish Betrayal Gives Peace a Bad Name Trump’s Kurdish Betrayal Gives Peace a Bad Name

Slamming Republicans as “the party of cut and run” raises the question of whether Democrats have a better idea.

Oct 24, 2019 / Editorial / Robert L. Borosage

us flag vehicle syria

Democrats Shouldn’t Let Trump’s Problems Turn Them Into the Party of War Democrats Shouldn’t Let Trump’s Problems Turn Them Into the Party of War

The danger in criticizing the president’s policies is that it could revive an interventionist temper on the left.

Oct 22, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Will US Military Leaders Ever Stand up to Trump?

Will US Military Leaders Ever Stand up to Trump? Will US Military Leaders Ever Stand up to Trump?

America needs more vocal military leaders like Smedley Butler to drown out the silence of people like former defense secretary James Mattis.

Oct 21, 2019 / Tyson Manker

In the Midst of Chaos, an Invincible Arab Spring

In the Midst of Chaos, an Invincible Arab Spring In the Midst of Chaos, an Invincible Arab Spring

This month’s protests in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt prove that what began in 2010 was just the beginning of a long revolution.

Oct 10, 2019 / Tesbih Habbal and Muzna Hasnawi

Edogan and Trump

Trump’s Erratic Syria Policy Deserves No Anti-Imperialist’s Cheers Trump’s Erratic Syria Policy Deserves No Anti-Imperialist’s Cheers

The Middle East mess requires diplomacy, not Trump’s green-lighting of Turkish aggression.

Oct 9, 2019 / Jeet Heer

Trump’s Syria Pullout Will Destroy the Middle East’s Only Woman-Led Democracy

Trump’s Syria Pullout Will Destroy the Middle East’s Only Woman-Led Democracy Trump’s Syria Pullout Will Destroy the Middle East’s Only Woman-Led Democracy

Betraying Kurdish forces will threaten a thriving model of governance and empower ISIS all over again.

Oct 8, 2019 / Carne Ross


UN Accuses US-Allied Forces of War Crimes in Syria UN Accuses US-Allied Forces of War Crimes in Syria

US generals are seemingly unaware of the allegations or whether they leveled Syrian villages.

Sep 27, 2019 / Nick Turse

This New Book Highlights Arab Women Reporting From the Arab World

This New Book Highlights Arab Women Reporting From the Arab World This New Book Highlights Arab Women Reporting From the Arab World

Zahra Hankir’s anthology Our Women on the Ground elevates vital but often overlooked voices from Morocco to Gaza to Yemen.

Sep 3, 2019 / Sarah Aziza

On Not Looking Away

On Not Looking Away On Not Looking Away

All perpetrators ask is that we remain bystanders. But to combat complicity, we must confront tragedy.

Jul 16, 2019 / Editorial / Arran Skinner
