Fossil fuels

The Real Reason Behind the Oil Price Collapse

The Real Reason Behind the Oil Price Collapse The Real Reason Behind the Oil Price Collapse

It’s not overproduction in shale fields, and it’s not global economic stagnation. It’s something far more threatening to Big Oil’s business model.

Mar 12, 2015 / Michael T. Klare

Royal Dutch Shell Wants to Look for Oil in the Most Dangerous Drilling Environment in the World

Royal Dutch Shell Wants to Look for Oil in the Most Dangerous Drilling Environment in the World Royal Dutch Shell Wants to Look for Oil in the Most Dangerous Drilling Environment in the World

An ice-choked ocean, tens of thousands of whales, no proven technology in case of emergency and a mission for oil: what could possibly go wrong?

Mar 3, 2015 / Subhankar Banerjee

The Main Problem With Obama’s Climate Policy? It Makes No Sense

The Main Problem With Obama’s Climate Policy? It Makes No Sense The Main Problem With Obama’s Climate Policy? It Makes No Sense

One week after the president stated that “no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change,” his administration proposes to open up vast stretches of o...

Jan 28, 2015 / Blog / Zoë Carpenter

Big Energy Says the Future Is Bright and Full of SUVs for Everyone

Big Energy Says the Future Is Bright and Full of SUVs for Everyone Big Energy Says the Future Is Bright and Full of SUVs for Everyone

Carbon companies have a new strategy: focus on the positive.

Jan 8, 2015 / Michael T. Klare

To Save the Planet, We Need to Leave Fossil Fuels in the Ground—but Oil Companies Have Other Plans

To Save the Planet, We Need to Leave Fossil Fuels in the Ground—but Oil Companies Have Other Plans To Save the Planet, We Need to Leave Fossil Fuels in the Ground—but Oil Companies Have Other Plans

They say no to any “stranded assets.”

Dec 10, 2014 / Feature / William D. Cohan

4 Reasons Keystone Really Matters

4 Reasons Keystone Really Matters 4 Reasons Keystone Really Matters

Pipeline apologists tell us the president’s decision isn’t that important for the climate—the dirty oil will flow anyway. Here’s why they’re wrong.

Nov 25, 2014 / Column / Naomi Klein

What Does it Take for One Small City to Vanquish an Oil Giant?

What Does it Take for One Small City to Vanquish an Oil Giant? What Does it Take for One Small City to Vanquish an Oil Giant?

Progressives in Richmond, California, trounced Chevron on Election Day, but the company remains a powerful local force.

Nov 21, 2014 / Cities Rising / Harriet Blair Rowan and Jimmy Tobias

The Grand Oil Party Takes Washington by Storm

The Grand Oil Party Takes Washington by Storm The Grand Oil Party Takes Washington by Storm

Prepare for the new Republican majority to speed the exploitation of the country’s oil, coal and natural gas reserves.

Nov 18, 2014 / Michael T. Klare

Obama Is Fighting ISIS, Iran and Russia With… Oil?

Obama Is Fighting ISIS, Iran and Russia With… Oil? Obama Is Fighting ISIS, Iran and Russia With… Oil?

How the US is using trade sanctions and other means to curb the oil exports of its foes.

Oct 9, 2014 / Michael T. Klare

The Invisible Oil in Louisiana’s Senate Race

The Invisible Oil in Louisiana’s Senate Race The Invisible Oil in Louisiana’s Senate Race

The petrochemical industry is devastating the state, but no candidates dare take it on.

Oct 1, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter
