Trump v. Disastrous US Triumphalism in Foreign Policy Trump v. Disastrous US Triumphalism in Foreign Policy
Trump’s challenge to 20-year bipartisan consensus may finally produce the missing public debate.
Mar 23, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Fear and Hate Drove Arizona’s Republican Primary Fear and Hate Drove Arizona’s Republican Primary
Sheriff Joe Arpaio rallied the GOP and repelled Democrats as a polarized Phoenix electorate helped choose the next president.
Mar 23, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Imagine How President Donald Trump or Ted Cruz Would Respond to the Brussels Attacks Imagine How President Donald Trump or Ted Cruz Would Respond to the Brussels Attacks
You don’t have to, because they spelled it out—scapegoat, close borders, and torture.
Mar 22, 2016 / John Nichols

Trump Want Presidency Trump Want Presidency
Donald smashes the Republican Party.
Mar 22, 2016 / Tom Tomorrow

Does Hulk Hogan’s Lawsuit Against Gawker Really Threaten Freedom of the Press? Does Hulk Hogan’s Lawsuit Against Gawker Really Threaten Freedom of the Press?
He sued Gawker, won an unbelievably large award, and shouted “Boo!” at free speech. But it ain’t over yet.
Mar 21, 2016 / Leslie Savan

Ted Cruz Is an Anti-Muslim Bigot, Too Ted Cruz Is an Anti-Muslim Bigot, Too
The GOP has an anti-Muslim hate problem: Ted Cruz’s foreign-policy team is anchored by America’s biggest Islamophobe.
Mar 18, 2016 / Ali Gharib

How Trump Dog-Whistles the Business Establishment How Trump Dog-Whistles the Business Establishment
He cleverly woos the GOP base on issues like trade, but this working-class hero is actually a willing agent of the 1 percenters.
Mar 18, 2016 / William Greider

The 5 Questions You Won’t Hear Asked at Any Presidential Debate The 5 Questions You Won’t Hear Asked at Any Presidential Debate
Unless we address these long-standing foreign policy questions, we’ll continue playing international whack-a-mole for the next four years.
Mar 17, 2016 / Peter Van Buren

Did the Chaos and Violence at Trump’s Rallies Push Clinton Over the Top on Tuesday? Did the Chaos and Violence at Trump’s Rallies Push Clinton Over the Top on Tuesday?
As the GOP candidate’s campaign has taken an increasingly ugly turn, it’s likely that some Democrats decided they’d vote for the candidate they saw as a safer bet.
Mar 16, 2016 / Joshua Holland

Clinton Had a Very Good Night, but the Democratic Race is Far From Finished Clinton Had a Very Good Night, but the Democratic Race is Far From Finished
The majority of the delegates have yet to be chosen.
Mar 16, 2016 / John Nichols